Wolf Clan Forces Invade Alliance

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Wolf Clan Forces Invade Alliance

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 12 авг 2008, 10:21

Wolf Clan Forces Invade Alliance

Fort Louden, Tomans Fall; Borghese, Crimond Threatened
[3 February 3070; Commonwealth Press]
In a chilling parallel to the Clan Invasion of 3050, forces of Clan Wolf struck across the Alliance border and attacked the worlds of Fort Louden and Tomans with enough strength to shatter the Alliance defenders and force them to withdraw. These losses, combined with rumored attacks soon-to-be-launched against Borghese and Crimond, create a powerful salient for the Wolf Clan into the Lyran Alliance, and also cut the axis of the Jade Falcon advance toward Terra.

Both Fort Louden and Tomans had weakened garrisons, with forces drawn away from their vigil on the Clan border to help fight the Word of Blake attacks as well as incursions against and by the Free Worlds League. Although both worlds have been little more than armed fortresses since the Truce of Tukayyid, the Wolves were able to breach the defenses and destroy or drive off the defenders in a series of vicious engagements.
Crimond, a world that has seen its share of Clan raids over the last decades, stands ready for an assault, but there is little information available on what frontline LAAF forces might be available to repel as attack. The planetary militia is fully activated, but as of press time we weren’t able to confirm the presence of any regular RCTs or regiments.

Borghese, famous as the world where the Black Thorns mercenary company made its name in the mid-3050s, stands almost naked against Clan aggression. The LAAF has traditionally been unable to station more than mercenary troops on-world, and with the heavy toll on both the Lyran budget and the mercenary trade taken by the Jihad, it appears unlikely that the Wolves would face serious opposition.
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