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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit


Сообщение DeJaVu » 29 апр 2008, 21:56

Type/Model: Warhammer IIC 5
Mass: 80 tons
Chassis: SFX-80 Endo
Power Plant: Type 10 320 Fusion
Walking Speed: 43 km/h
Maximum Speed: 65 km/h
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor Type: Forging ZM15 Ferro-Fibrous
Armament: 2 Type 0 HAG-20s
4 Series 2D-2 Heavy Medium Lasers
1 Streak SRM-4
Manufacturer: Trellshire Heavy Industries
Primary Factory: Twycross
Communications System: TDWS-37 Mk. 2.2
Targeting & Tracking System: “Hermes” CT-44

We know Warhammers. For all the years of the Succession Wars, very few ’Mechs were as feared as the Warhammer. Every realm of the Inner Sphere fought with them, and the most famous mercenary of all time, Natasha Kerensky, used one to great effect throughout her long career as a Dragoon. It is only to be expected that the Clans would keep the ’Mech in the same regard.
In the Clan Occupation Zones, the small units of Diamond Shark BattleMechs present often use the Warhammer IIC. A new variant is appearing in very limited numbers from the Trellshire factories on Twycross, which tells me that the Sharks are either still testing the variant’s effectiveness, or they’ve been selling the rest of the production to other Clans. Given the Sharks’ past practices, I suspect the latter more than the former.
The Diamond Shark ’Mechs observed carry a pair of Hyper-Assault Gausses in place of the familiar PPCs. I can only assume they the Sharks would put in enough ammunition to make those weapons worth their mass consumption. Supporting those long-range weapons are a battery if four heavy medium lasers and desultory short-range missile assembly, no doubt a concession to tradition. I couldn’t get the actual schematics or data, but I can guess at these components from the invoice data of shipments going through the Twycross starport. Even under the thumb of the Diamond Sharks people are still dissatisfied enough to forward to me (or people I know) information they really shouldn’t.
Another Warhammer IIC has been spotted in the Draconis Combine, where the recently arrived Snow Ravens are busy exterminating every trace of life on Galedon. These machines appear to be field refits instead of new production, replacing most of the Warhammer IIC’s secondary weaponry with a torso-mounted HAG 30. The Snow Ravens have kept the PPCs, which makes this variant a very deadly opponent at long range, which I’m sure the Combine samurai are finding out.
I’m starting to understand the attraction of these Hyper-Assault Gauss guns. The Diamond Sharks (and all the other Clans I have access to) seem to be mounting then on just about every chassis they can. MechWarriors are always quoting things like “long-range, low-heat,” and these weapons seems to epitomize that. The range is even better than that of a standard Gauss rifle, although our own light Gauss guns can compete. Where they really shine, however, is damage potential.
I wonder if the Diamond Sharks will sell them to us? Surely our money spends just as well as a Clansman’s?


Сообщение Rabid Coyote » 30 апр 2008, 09:06

Это все с ТРО 3075?
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 30 апр 2008, 11:07

Полагаю, это были новости с Бкорпса.
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