Haggard Defenders Desperate for Relief

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Haggard Defenders Desperate for Relief

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 11 апр 2008, 21:19

[14 November 3071; Procyon Daily Torrent] Colonel Hester Janocek, commander of the 151st Procyon Guards infantry regiment, spoke with our military affairs liaison earlier today, giving us a close look at how our Word of Blake allies are contributing to the defense of Procyon from the avarice-filled predations of the Great Houses.

PDT: Thank you for taking the time today, Colonel. We appreciate how busy you must be.

HJ: Of course, Peter.

PDT: Can you tell us, Colonel, how we’re fairing?

HJ: We’re holding the line, Peter. When the good people of Procyon decide to stand up against outside aggression there are very few who can stand against them. We’ve thrown off almost every raid that’s come our way, even one by a Capellan-sponsored death squad last week.

PDT: Death squad?

HJ: They were covered as a legitimate mercenary unit, of course, but Precentor Alvarez had intelligence on their previous actions. These bastards were killers, I assure you. We made short work of them.

PDT: You’re speaking of course of Precentor Nicholas Alvarez, senior administrator of the Procyon HPG and liaison between the Procyon Protectorate Militia and the regular Blake Milita, correct?

HJ: That’s right.

PDT: So tell us, Colonel… why do we need the Word of Blake’s help to keep ourselves safe?

HJ: I don’t know about you, Peter, but when I was growing up I wasn’t taught to question why someone wanted to help me without something in return. That’s called kindness, and the Word of Blake has that in spades. I can’t speak for their actions off-planet, but here on Procyon they’ve been the souls of virtue and a real asset in our fight against the Great Houses and they’re quest for domination.

PDT: You sound like a Blakist sympathizer, Colonel.

HJ: They’re our friends, Peter. I don’t think it’s sympathizing to compliment your allies. And, truth be told, I’d like it if everyone would be a bit nicer to our friends. They’re doing all they can, every day, for damn little thanks or compensation.

PDT: Surely the revenues from the HPG—

HJ: I don’t mean the Word itself, Peter. I mean those girls and boys in the ’Mechs and the tanks who put themselves on the line every single time an attacker comes calling. I’ve already opened the Militia armories to them, but its not enough. We’ve had the same twelve—ten, now—’Mechs on-world for two years, and every one of them is showing damage. Those girls and boys do their job every time, without complaint, and every one of them is riding the ragged edge.

PDT: Well, surely…

HJ: Surely nothing, Peter. I think I’d stop using that word if I were you. Nothing is sure.
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