Gen Con 2009: Live Day 2

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Gen Con 2009: Live Day 2

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 авг 2009, 16:40

Welcome to day two of Gen Con 2009. This morning we started near the statue of the Serra Angle we showed you yesterday. The goal was to see what sort of turnout there was for the Magic the Gathering giveaway, where 100 people will get a chance to purchase Exile card before they are officially on sale.
The line for the purchase vouchers, again limited to only 100 per day at Gen Con, stretched around the upper floor. There were easily over two hundred people in line. The turnout, larger than the one on Thursday according to a Wizards of the Coast spokesperson, should actually grow to a peak on Saturday. However, demand on Sunday is still expected to remain high, as it is the busiest day.
One of the comments left on yesterday’s Gen Con coverage asked us to visit Catalyst Game Labs, the vendor responsible for games such as Shadowrun and BattleTech. The comment asked if we could, “…check out the Catalyst Game Labs booth? As a BattleTech player, I'd be interested to see what they had there and what they were demoing. Thanks.”
This is exactly what we did. According to those in the booth, after we showed them the comment itself, there is quite a bit going on with BattleTech these days. The first thing to mention is that Jihad Hotspots 3076 is out, Masters and Minions: The StarCorps Dossiers as well. BattleTech Strategic Operations, which has been out since Origins, but in limited quantities, is also at the booth and for sale. There is also the BattleTech 25th Anniversary book. One sad bit of merchandise news is that there are no Box Sets one staffer said, as they did not arrive in time for the show.
Demo-wise, the booth is demoing the Quick Start rules for the BattleTech RPG. There are other demos as well, including Shadowrun, and a few other new games like Leviathans.
Shadowrun players might be interested in knowing that there are also Shadowrun games and training at the booth, alongside the demonstrations. Merchandise-wise, there is the Shadowrun 25th anniversary edition available, Seattle 2072, and Running Wild, the last two books available in limited quantities only. Eclipse Phase Core Book is available on a limited basis as well.
CthuluTech also has some new merchandise as well, the Mortal Remains book, due in stores in about 4-6 weeks, is for sale at the Catalyst booth. They also have the Basic CthuluTech book available.
While we don’t know the name of the person who wanted information on Catalyst Game Labs, we hope the information and the following images gave you what you were looking for.
More updates to come.


Добавлено спустя 6 минут 40 секунд:

Aside from the expo area, where the business is brisk and booming, most of the attendees at the convention today are in a tournament or simply sitting in on one of several pickup games. There are card games, pen and paper games, straight dice games, and even video games.
The most interesting however, is the massive amount of people playing board games. In one room, hundreds were gathered at the tables, playing all sorts of different games.
In the expo area, there are training sessions for various games. Unlike Thursday, the tables were full today, and some had a bit of a wait. Some of the vendors told us that what we've seen today will only get bigger come later tonight and Saturday.
Below is one of the games, where players can train and play at the same time.
However, there was some drama apparently, as one attendee was taken hostage. See below.

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту 41 секунду:

If there is anything to be said that is remotely bad about Gen Con, it is the lack of Internet connections in the Indiana Convention Center. While this is not a problem that is exclusive to Gen Con, far from it as a matter of fact, it is frustrating. Regular Gen Con attendees know where the free wireless is, they’ll tell you if you ask, but since we rarely trust Wi-Fi from hotspots, this roving reporter headed back to the house for some early dinner and sent in this update from home.
For this post, the first thing we want to talk about are the game rooms setup for games like Warhammer or 40k. Some of the tables are covered in various landscapes that, when you view them, it’s clear someone took a lot of time to make on their own. Gaming is all about creativity, so we wanted to share some of the designs we came across before the games started. The tables were for various games. When we took these images, no one was around to say what game they were created for, but they were cool to see nevertheless.
This arena for example, used what looked like multicolored pins to represent people.
We also went over to Electronic Arts again. While we did play Inferno, we also looked at another game, Dragon Age:; Origins, which is due out for X-box 360 and PS3 November 3, 2009.
The game reminded Neverwinter Nights 2, when it came to looks and style, but game play is more like Boulder’s Gate.
Here are some snaps we managed to grab while in the demo room.
Since we ended the last update with a costume image, here is another to end this one.


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