What the Knights Left Behind…

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

What the Knights Left Behind…

Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 янв 2008, 15:52

The Forty-Ninth Shadow Division—Are We Seeing Double?

18 August 3072; Stewart Some days it must suck to be a Leaguer.

I mean, your country’s falling to bits around you, every two-bit politician in Parliament is declaring himself Captain-General, and then Tommy’s pet regiment goes and gets itself wiped out.

Of course, the vaunted Knights of the whole malfing Inner Sphere can’t go down leading a glorious, but ultimately doomed, charge. Nope, they go down choking in their own vomit. League recruiters must have had quota issues that day. But what happened to all their gear? I mean, these boys and girls were seriously packing. Being the curious sort I am, I decided to do some digging—very interesting what you can find when you know where to look.

Remember that speech old Cameron-Jones gave? Fire and brimstone, mainly because some Blakie slut had him by the balls? I can hear you now: “But Starling, this is about the Knights’ stuff, not the Regulans’ geriatric Lothario!” And I would normally agree.

You see, we now know that the Forty-Ninth Division that hit the turban-heads on Regulus is the same one that wiped out the Second Regulan Hussars on Wallis. But what we don’t know is where they were before that. Check out the combat footage from Regulus, or even Wallis, if you can find any not wrapped in layers of spyware.

Notice something? Underneath that nice, shiny, non-descript paintjob, some of those `mechs look awfully familiar. They’ve upgraded them—I haven’t seen an Albatross with a heavy PPC before—but those are the same `Mechs the Knights died in. Pretty good bargain for the Wobbies, I’d say. Instant regiment. Took some doing, too, but I’ve got a source on Big A that says they spent six months on the ground fixing the gear up. Probably when they added all the new toys.

Of course, not all the Knights’ gear got snatched. One of my contacts in the intel business estimated maybe a battalion or so of the Knights’ gear got lifted, which fits with what my source on Big A said. And a lot of the salvage has gone missing—supposedly put into storage, but from what I hear it’s been the proverbial hot potato amongst the various resistance movements. Because, y’know, working together isn’t exactly what Leaguers do.

One thing’s for certain: all those Leaguers hoping the Knights will rise from the grave are in for a long wait


Сообщение Мехвоин » 26 янв 2008, 17:00

Насколько я понял 49 дивизион укомплектовали техникой разбитых Рыцарей (Рыцари Внутренней Сферы, я полагаю?) или из остатков самих рыцарей?
We are the WORD OF BLAKE! Shut dawn your mechs and surrender your troops. We will add your forces to our own. You will follow us in the path to enlightenment or be destroyed. The resistance is futile.
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Сообщение Hobbit » 27 янв 2008, 17:07

Мехвоин писал(а):Насколько я понял 49 дивизион укомплектовали техникой разбитых Рыцарей (Рыцари Внутренней Сферы, я полагаю?) или из остатков самих рыцарей?

Техникой. Самих Рыцарей вроде как газами затравили на параде.
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 27 янв 2008, 19:48

Ну разумеется, расхваленные Рыцари целой долбаной Внутренней Сферы не могли помереть, возглавляя славный, но в итоге обреченный натиск. Не-а, они померли, давясь собственной блевотиной. В тот день план по найму у рекрутеров Лиги однозначно накрылся тазом.

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