The Rising Price of Paranoia

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The Rising Price of Paranoia

Сообщение DeJaVu » 05 янв 2008, 18:15

20 June 3071; Windsor [DBC] – In New Buckingham today, increasing reports of security force heavy-handedness—attributed to growing anti-Blakist paranoia both here and throughout the Alliance—once more became the focus of debate. Responding to the high-profile shooting deaths of four suspected Blakist terrorists at the Telven Hills shopping arcade, Steven Forbes, Parliamentary Minister for Forecross County, attacked Prime Minister Clarke over the increased use of force authorized for all planetary security forces. DBC has obtained a partial transcript of the session, which follows.

Speaker: "Member for Forecross"

Steven Forbes MP: "Will the Prime Minister respond to the allegations that the four people killed by the security forces at the Telven Hills shopping arcade were not, as was officially reported, Blakist terrorists, but were indeed simple citizens going about their business? Citizens that lost their lives due to shoot-to-kill orders explicitly authorized by his office!"

[Gasps and mumbling.]

Prime Minister Evan Clarke: "Mr. Speaker, I must say I am shocked and appalled at the lack of the discretion from the member for Forecross. As he very well knows, I am not able to discuss a situation that is not only still under investigation, but one covered by the Official Secrets Act! I am surprised that the right Honorable Gentleman should be so naïve."

[Shouts and roars.]

Speaker: "Order! No, Order! The Right Honorable Mr. Jensen Williams…"

Jensen Williams MP: "Would the Prime Minister agree with me that it's a matter for congratulation rather than reproach, if four Blakist murderers are stopped in their tracks, rather than being allowed to carry out their obscene, outrageous acts! And will the Prime Minister agree with me, that it's about time we are more concerned with the victims of these crimes, rather than whining about the infringement of the rights of mass murdering lunatics?"

Speaker: "Order! Order!" [gavel bangs]

PM Clarke: "I thank my esteemed friend for his sentiments, but this is a matter for the security services, and I will not be drawn into commenting."

Speaker: "Member for Staines"

Daniel Coyle MP: "Will the Prime Minister explain then, why citizens are being detained based solely on their travel itineraries? And can he further explain why ComStar personnel have been barred from leaving the HPG compound, despite the fact they have undeniably demonstrated their innocence?"

PM Clarke: "I will remind the Right Honorable member again that I will not be drawn into answering questions related to security, but I will, however, note that perhaps my esteemed friend would be less incensed had not suspected Blakist fronts been major contributors of his last campaign!"

[House dissolves into raucous uproar]

Speaker: "Order! Order!" [Gavel] "Order! Sergeant-at-Arms!"

The offices of Prime Minister Clarke and Parliamentary Minister Coyle refused to comment on today's outbursts, but a terse response from a spokeswoman for Minister Forbes had this to say on today's events: "Clearly, we live in a society that is rapidly coming down around our ears. How long, at this rate, will it be before we go from a nation reacting to fear to one that it ruled by it?"


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