BATTLEBLOG - The Week Stretching Out Before Me. 11 may 2009

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BATTLEBLOG - The Week Stretching Out Before Me. 11 may 2009

Сообщение DeJaVu » 15 май 2009, 09:42

So, looking at what I've got to touch today, or at least assign a time this week that I'll touch it (in no particular order).

Emails...always lots and lots of emails.,
Check in to see if Dave has finished layout of the Balance of Power rulebook and if so proof.
Check to see if Brent has tweaked the Reference Cards for Balance of Power and if so proof.
Fold in final proofing comments from Reiner Knizia into Merchants and pass to Mat to finalize.
Write another 750 word fiction piece for Seattle 2072.
Check in with Loren to see if he's done a final proof on the Paparazzi card set...if so, pass those on to Matt to finalize.
Make sure there's no contracts waiting for may approval.
Finish tweaking the booklet for HexPack: Roads and Cities so it can head to edit.
Check in with Loren to see if he's finished his story for 25 Years of Art & Fiction.
Check in with Dave to see if the software for upsizing lowrez art files for 25 Years of Art & Fiction is working.
Make sure Herb doesn't need anything to keep finishing up A Time of War.
Check in with Dave to see if he's been able to answer any of my "where are some checks" questions.
Proof A Time of War sections as they come in from Matt.
See where Paul's at with A Time of War sections.
Check in with Rob to see if he's gotten me a status update for where all Eclipse Phase products are at.
Pass along Running Wild sketches to the SR dev team for comments.
More emails.
Finish my own story for 25 Years of Art & Fiction
Comment on art coming in for A Time of War.
Comment on art coming in for Masters & Minions.
Finish tweaking the text for the print RS3075 intro section and get it to edit.
Check to see where RS3075 PDF is at.
Finish formating Henchman rules and get them off to edit.
Finish proofing sections for the 25th Anniversary Introduction Box Set.
Finish writing adventure for the combined quick-start rules.
Answer playtest questions for the Leviathans QSR currently underway.
Check to see where RS0355U PDF is at.
Sign off on proposed direction for parts of Interstellar Players.
Check in to see where proofing of Vice is at.
Check in to see where the final map and art for Midnight is at so layout can begin.
Review price quotes on half a dozen different products to determine which manufacturer will be used.
More emails
Blog (check...)

Anyways, I think you all get the fact I'm in the middle of about 4 of the above as luckily I can multi-task really, really well.

Type at ya later!



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