Touring the Grand Canal of Mars (Part 5)

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Touring the Grand Canal of Mars (Part 5)

Сообщение DeJaVu » 23 апр 2009, 09:37

[12 Feb 3072; VOTW] Mars was restive after centuries of neglect and rumors that the Word’s “toaster worshipers” might frown on the large-scale use of robots in the mining industry. Nothing of the sort was true – the Word needed Mars, and needed its industry to grow to revive the fortunes of new members of the Word of Blake Protectorate. After consulting with wary mining company managers, the Word agreed readily to their proposals. Investment, new employees, and updated machinery boosted short-term production while the Word began a medium-term program of lowering operating expenses by adjusting Mars’ terraforming.
In the centuries since Kerensky had fled the Inner Sphere, Mars’ environment had not been maintained at all. It is a testament to the Lowell Program that Mars remained habitable despite the neglect, and probably would’ve been tolerable to humans for millennia more. However, it was not pleasant. The crust was drying up Mars, the ozone layer was failing, and the long seasons drove inhabitants into domed towns to escape the harsh weather. The environmental changes made mining Mars increasingly expensive.
The Word revived the Phobos Skyhook in 3060, sending the first comets “gently” into the old receiving area at the Chryse Planitia Sea (the resulting tsunamis had the unfortunate side effect of stripping bare the once-beautiful subtropical beaches, leaving a barren landscape). Titanian nitrogen thickened the atmosphere by some 30 millibars while re-sown terraforming moss darkened the south pole and algae cracked oxygen from the new water. Thriving fusion-powered ore processors ramped up their power output simply for the waste heat to melt the space-icebergs now floating through the Northern Ocean.
Today, the Word of Blake’s efforts have rendered Mars several degrees warmer, re-flooded river beds, and secured the loyalty of the miners. Mars is, however, currently wrought by unpredictable tempests as its atmosphere and seas find new equilibrium. This is not always a problem: One brutal polar storm in the Martian autumn of 3067 is thought to have contributed to the demise of the Wolf Dragoon invaders on the now-barren shores of Chryse Planitia, quickly killing MechWarriors with exposure as their cockpits were sundered.
If the current economic boom continues, perhaps those magnificent estates on the Grand Canal may soon find new inhabitants or, at least, tourists will rediscover one of mankind’s greatest wonders.


Сообщение Юджин » 23 апр 2009, 10:32

Ух ты, блейки оказывается не только разрушать умеют...я и не знал. :wink:
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Сообщение ShadowBlade » 23 апр 2009, 10:38

Это они отмазываются так. Типа мы все за светлое будущее, вот, видите марс отстраиваем 8-)
И хотя бои между кланами велись на планетарном масштабе,своими действиями они больше напоминали драку воспитанников младшей группы детского сада не поделивших песочницу (с) Era Digest: Golden Century
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 23 апр 2009, 10:42

Эк, как они умело отмазались. Типа это не вакуум убивал драгунят в разгерметизированных кабинах, а полярный шторм. Вот только вопрос, с каких пор равнина Хриса находится на полюсе...

Chryse Planitia (Greek, "Golden Plain") is a smooth circular plain in the northern equatorial region of Mars close to the Tharsis region to the west, centered at 26°42′N 320°00′E It is 1600 km in diameter and with a floor 2.5 km below the average planetary surface altitude, and is thought to be an ancient impact basin; it has several features in common with lunar maria, such as wrinkle ridges. The density of impact craters in the 100 m to 2000 m range is close to half the average for lunar maria.

Chryse Planitia shows evidence of water erosion in the past, and is the bottom end for many outflow channels from the southern highlands as well as from Valles Marineris and the flanks of the Tharsis bulge. It has been theorized that the Chryse basin may have contained a large lake or an ocean during the Hesperian or early Amazonian periods since all of the large outflow channels entering it end at the same elevation, at which some surface features suggest an ancient shoreline may be present. Chryse basin opens into the North Polar Basin, so if an ocean was present Chryse would have been a large bay.

The Viking 1 landed in Chryse Planitia, but its landing site was not near the outflow channels and no fluvial features were visible; the terrain at that point appeared primarily volcanic in origin. The Mars Pathfinder landed in Ares Vallis, the end of one of the outflow channels emptying into Chryse.

Насколько же проще было бы просто переписать неудачный рассказ... 8-)
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Сообщение Typhoon » 23 апр 2009, 15:52

CSA_Eragon писал(а):Ух ты, блейки оказывается не только разрушать умеют...я и не знал. :wink:

Да как сказать.... Для обустройства Марса они выбрали свою любимую стратегию: Большой Бабах. 8-)
Это симптоматично :D
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
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