[Релизы]Художественная литература

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[Релизы]Художественная литература

Сообщение DeJaVu » 02 окт 2013, 23:35

In the second half of 2006, and into the early part of 2007, BattleCorps and InMediaRes partnered with BattleTech players worldwide to create something amazing: a serial novel, covering the Word of Blake attack on the Federated Suns capital, New Avalon, for which the players would game to determine the outcome.

That’s right: the players determined how the book came out, through sanctioned campaign play.

It was amazing.
It was giant.
It spawned a darn good story.

Now, for the first time, Catalyst Game Labs has collected all thirteen of the Isle of the Blessed serial novel pieces into one package and presented it for sale. The novel is a pulse-pounding combat tale of battles between two different sets of true believers: the Davions, defending their capital, and the Word of Blake, fighting their Jihad.

“It was an incredible challenge,” says author Steven Mohan, Jr., “and it also turned out to be one of the most exciting and entertaining writing projects I ever got to work on. I’m deeply grateful to the folks at BattleTech for giving me the opportunity to write this story. It was a blast!”

Available now for e-book readers worldwide, Isle of the Blessed contains all the serial fiction published, as well as the companion journal entries published on the BattleCorps website, and a new foreword from the author.



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Isle of the Blessed describes a desperate, heroic struggle by a likable underdog struggling to triumph over an overwhelming and implacable foe.
As it so happens, that’s also what the writing experience was like.I’m not sure if I’m likable or heroic, but there were times that the writing of Isle was desperate and overwhelming!  I think Isle hangs together well as a novel, but that’s not how it was conceived or written.  It was designed to be a serial.Writing a serial is a little like performing on a trapeze—without a net.  What happens when you get to chapter seven and realize something you wrote in chapter two undercuts the entire book?  In a normal writing experience, you just revise the error in chapter two—no big deal.Not if you’re writing a serial.If you’re writing a serial, the mistake in chapter two is already published.  You can not fix it.  Somehow you have to, have to, make it work.  Like I said, no net.But wait, there’s more!Isle of the Blessed was written to promote the introduction of the (then) new BattleTech rulebook Total Warfare.  The serial was meant to run alongside a world-wide BT game, and, here’s the good part, the outcome of the game was supposed to determine the outcome of the serial.Got that?  You can’t afford to make any mistakes and you don’t know how the story’s going to end.Oh, and produce 5,000 to 10,000 words a week, every week.It was an incredible challenge—and it also turned out to be one of the most exciting and entertaining writing projects I ever got to work on.  I’m deeply grateful to the folks at BattleTech for giving me the opportunity to write this story.  It was a blast!Of course no writer works alone, especially one laboring in a gaming universe.  I’d like to thank the incredible team of BattleTech experts captained by Herb Beas and Randall Bills.  Without the team’s insights and generosity, there’s no way this effort could have been a success.  They deserve the credit for the correctness of the game details.  Any errors that slipped through are on me.And last of all, I want to thank you for picking up this book.  My fondest hope is that BattleTech readers have as much fun with Isle of the Blessed as I did!
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Re: Isle of the Blessed

Сообщение DELmar » 03 окт 2013, 11:56

Собрали таки все части(рассказы) в одну повесть? Молодцы, емнип они у нас были переведены. :dance:
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Re: Isle of the Blessed

Сообщение KolbunD » 03 окт 2013, 12:55

У Зукера был "Легаси" с хеви пипсами, могли бы и поточнее нарисовать
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Re: Isle of the Blessed

Сообщение acefalcon » 03 окт 2013, 13:08

Это Легаси с обложки RS3067. Когда это для электронных переизданий свою обложку рисовали?(((
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Re: [Релизы]Художественная литература

Сообщение DeJaVu » 30 окт 2013, 00:27

The battlefields of the 31st century are commanded by the BattleMech, twelve-meter-tall, 100-ton bipedal engines of destruction. Fought by MechWarriors, commanded by neo-feudal officers, owned by national governments and band of mercenaries, loyal to one of the interstellar Successor States or the martial Clans, these ’Mechs make every other ground combat vehicle obsolete.

This is the warfare of fusion-powered giants.

This is BattleTech.

The Chaos Irregulars are mercenaries, born on the battlefields of the planet Acamar at the dawn of the Word of Blake’s horrific Jihad. Orphans of shattered mercenary battalions, they were forged in the crucible of combat into one of the most reliable mercenary battalions in the Inner Sphere.

Chaos Born: Book One of the Chaos Irregulars chronicles the battalion’s formation and first few contracts, battling intrigue, betrayal and other BattleMech mercenaries. First published on the BattleCorps fiction site, these stories comprise the first half of a duology that will culminate in Chaos Formed: Book Two of the Chaos Irregulars.

Book Two should be available in December. Both will include new forewords from the author.

http://www.battlecorps.com/catalog/prod ... ts_id=3256

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Re: [Релизы]Художественная литература

Сообщение KolbunD » 30 окт 2013, 11:44

Ого! Продолжение Иррегуляров намечается! :dance:
Надеюсь Троль порадует переводами ... :oops:
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Лучший Фанфикописатель 2009, 2011
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Re: [Релизы]Художественная литература

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 30 окт 2013, 12:18

KolbunD писал(а):Ого! Продолжение Иррегуляров намечается! :dance:
Надеюсь Троль порадует переводами ... :oops:

Увы, это не продолжение. Они переиздают рассказы двумя сборниками. Нового там два авторских предисловия.

Хотя на форуме я автору уже намекнул, что хотелось бы и третий увидать.
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