Лучший автор корпса 2007!

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Лучший автор корпса 2007!

Сообщение DeJaVu » 09 ноя 2007, 00:19

Back for a repeat performance by popular demand! Iron Writers BattleTech was once more held at GenCon with fifteen authors and CBT insiders putting pen to pa… putting fingers to keyboards in a wild orgy of story creation.

Login and go to the Iron Writers forum to download this year’s entry. Vote for the one you like the most!

The writing topic: Easy and straight forward the topic of IWB 2007 was “Raven”

The writers: Ah but that would be telling now wouldn’t it? We have fifteen tales this year to read and consider. Only after a winner is chosen will the author’s names be revealed.

Your mission:

Go to the Iron Writers forum download the PDF

Read it, enjoy it!

Go to the BattleCorps home page and scroll down to the bottom

VOTE! Use the poll on the home page to vote for your favorite story (Scroll down to find the poll).

It’s that easy! When the voting period is up the winner will be announced and the names of all the authors will be revealed.
So get reading!

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