Апрельский бэттлчат

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Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение DeJaVu » 18 апр 2013, 19:17

В эту субботу, возможно будут вопросы в связи с последними новинками?
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Юджин » 18 апр 2013, 19:21

Какой давности "слухи" о активности Домашних Кланов в корвардной Глубокой Периферии, упомянутые в Era Report: 3145?
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение alex56 » 19 апр 2013, 06:07

Что ждет наемников в будущем вселенной? Стоит ли ждать неожиданных возвращений прославленных подразделений наемников? И какова судьба Легкой кавалерии Рубинского?
И еще. Планируются ли к выходу какие-либо книги по наемников и по ранним наследным войнам (например, что-то наподобии Атласа по 4-ой наследной)?
"Что можно предложить поколению, которое росло, узнавая, что дождь отравлен, а секс - смертельно опасен?"
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 19 апр 2013, 06:17

alex56 писал(а):Что ждет наемников в будущем вселенной? Стоит ли ждать неожиданных возвращений прославленных подразделений наемников? И какова судьба Легкой кавалерии Рубинского?

Наемники однозначно выживут и дальше. Более того, процветать будут. Вон как Драгуны отожгли.

Что до ЛКР, то вряд ли он что скажет.
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение alex56 » 19 апр 2013, 07:32

Siberian-troll писал(а):Что до ЛКР, то вряд ли он что скажет.

Ну мало :bowl:
"Что можно предложить поколению, которое росло, узнавая, что дождь отравлен, а секс - смертельно опасен?"
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение FES » 19 апр 2013, 08:10

1. Когда выйдет интерстелар оператионс?

2. Правильно ли я понимаю, что после "прыжка" вперед за Темные века по таймлайну будет новый рулбук на замену Тотал Вару?
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Snyker » 19 апр 2013, 08:33

Выживут ли Нефритовые соколы? А то, что-то боязно.
ПОСЛЕ 3117 ДЛЯ МЕНЯ бт НЕТ!!!!
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение DeJaVu » 19 апр 2013, 09:13

1. Когда выйдет интерстелар оператионс?

На этот вопрос, я и сам отвечу - тогда, когда будет готов
Даешь перевыполнить план по выпуску вехикулярных огнеметов в отчетном 3145 году!
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение FES » 19 апр 2013, 09:29

Ок. Насколько готов интерстелар плеерс?
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Юджин » 19 апр 2013, 11:51

В каком году можно ждать новой информации по Кланспейсу и прилегающим государствам Глубокой Периферии? (Ганзейская Лига и Эскорпион Империо?)
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение KolbunD » 19 апр 2013, 12:09

1) Планируются ли к выходу большие сурсы по подразделениям наемников на период 3085-3145? Более позднего периода?
2) Блеки будут воскрешать в дурке
3) Будет ли выпил крупных и мелких старых фракций БТ в ближайшее время?
4) Авторы взяли курс на выпиливание мощностей промышленности БТ или ДОма, Кланы и Периферию ждет возрождение?
5) Кто, черт возьми!, такие "Зеленые призраки"!!!???
6) Еще какое-либо упоминание Клана Россомах планируется или от них наконец-то отстанут?
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение alex56 » 25 апр 2013, 13:09

А где можно увидеть результаты чата?
"Что можно предложить поколению, которое росло, узнавая, что дождь отравлен, а секс - смертельно опасен?"
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Den [WM] » 25 апр 2013, 13:58

DarkISI писал(а):Part 1.
As usual: Sorted for your convenience.
Can't promise to be around for the second one this time, since I have to get out early tomorrow morning and it will be 2AM local time, when the chat starts.

[17:59] <@Habeas2> Welcome to the first chat of the fourth BattleChat day of 2013!
[17:59] <@Habeas2> As always, I'm your host and primary guest of honor.
[18:00] <@Habeas2> Standard rules apply: Be courtesous or be kicked. Log on your own recognizance. I will try to answer all questions in the order received.
[18:01] <@Habeas2> Chat runs a minimum of one hour, and since it seems I'll spend that hour hearing my nephew demonstrate his mental instability in the next room, expect me to seem distracted this afternoon.
[18:01] <@Habeas2> Aaaaaaaand begin!

[18:02] <martian> Robotech miniatures Kickstarter seems to be quite successfull. Has CGL any plans to use Kickstarter too?
[18:04] <@Habeas2> Martian - There are no active plans to use Kickstarter for BattleTech. CGL may use Kickstarter for other projects, however.

Surrender your Dreams:
[18:02] <Nerroth> I appreciate that the post-Dark Age setup is not open for discussion, but there was one thing I wanted to clarify; are the events of the epilogue in Surrender Your Dreams still considered canon, or is that glimpse of things post-3145 no longer valid?
[18:04] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - We are not necessarily considering the epilogue for Surrender Your Dreams valid. It would be too restrictive to upcoming plans.

Technical Readout 3145:
[18:03] <Gaiiten> My first question is due the TRO 3145 Serie. Can we expect for each mjor faction a separate TRO (4 Great Houses, one for all Clans and one for the RoTS)?
[18:05] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - We can EXPECT them, yes.
[18:05] <Gaiiten> In this case, expect means get, does it not?
[18:09] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - Not necessarily. Again, that reality thing may intercede.

[18:04] <Garydee> About how often are the 3145 PDFs going to come out?
[18:05] <@Habeas2> Garydee - If by that you mean the 3145 TROs, the plan is roughly 1 per month. Reality may alter these plans, however.
[18:06] <Garydee> Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry I didn't make myself clear.

[18:07] <Nerroth> Will any of the upcoming TROs cover "associated realms" along with their primary faction of choice? For example, would the "Marik" file cover Andurien an Regulus, the Liao file Canopus, and the Republic file the re-formed Com Guard?
[18:10] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Roughly, yes. The FWL can't avoid looping in assiciated non-League states, and the Capellans and Canopians can't really work separately either.

[18:11] <Nerroth> Does that extend so far as to include any new ComStar units in the Republic file, or does the re-formed Com Guard use "standard" RAF 'Mechs instead?
[18:17] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - You'll see.

[18:31] <Kamose> Can you clear up confusion on TRO 3145? One print book, 8 pdfs, what?
[18:35] <@Habeas2> Kamose - One print book, and maybe 8 PDFs.
[18:37] <Garydee> Will those mechs in the 8 PDfs make it into the print book?
[18:39] <@Habeas2> Garydee - Some will.

Turning Points/Dark Age:
[18:05] <SpaceCowboy1701> Thanks for your time today ... how many Dark Age Turning Points are in the pipeline?
[18:09] <@Habeas2> SpaceCowboy1701 - As of the last data I seem to have, we have at least two DATP in the pipe. More may come.

Field Reports 2765:
[18:07] <drufause> is there an expected delivery of the pdf for any of the 2765 Field Reports this quarter
[18:10] <@Habeas2> Drufause - An unexpected art issue has delayed the 2765 Field Reports, so I cannot offer ETAs

[18:14] <Garydee> Any chance we'll see a 3145 poster map for sale(or in a box set) similar to the 3067 one?
[18:18] <@Habeas2> Garydee - There's always a chance...

Dark Age/Mini Factions:
[18:15] <SpaceCowboy1701> Will we see mini-campaigns for the Dark Age RotS factions (Highlanders, Spirit Cats, etc) in any of the upcoming products?
[18:18] <@Habeas2> SpaceCowboy1701 - Hmmm. Possibly, but no project specifically detailing those pirate groups has been greenlit as of yet.

Intro Box:
[18:15] <sarcasmo> Herb, have you seen the new intro box minis Randall was tweeting about?
[18:20] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo - Yes.

[19:09] <sarcasmo2> As a follow up question from an hour ago... can you tell us if any of the minis will be different in when the box set is re-printed?
[19:10] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo2 - Yup. The two premium minis are being changed.

[19:10] <drufause> Plastic Mad Cat and Storm Crow?
[19:11] <@Habeas2> Drufause - Nope.

[19:11] <sarcasmo2> Ah, but the re-mastered 24 are going to remain the same? I didn't realize premiums we're still going to be included. That's great news!
[19:13] <@Habeas2> Sarcasmo2 - The hope is that the remastered 24 will be of improved quality to those of the last printed copies, to address the declining mold quality issues.

Raven Alliance:
[18:16] <Boulder> I'd like to find out what happened in the Raven Alliance
[18:20] <@Habeas2> Boulder - Era Report: 3145 should have some info on the Raven Alliance. You will see more in FM: 3145

Era Report 3145:
[18:16] <Kamose> Any insight into why there were so many unexpected changes in ER 3045? (Caleb, Nova Cats & Emi, etc.)?
[18:21] <@Habeas2> Kamose - Because that's the direction we chose to take the story line. Sorry, I don't see what you mean by "unexpected changes".
[18:22] <Kamose> Davions getting so hammered, Kurita & Liao so resurgent, basically annihilation of the Nova Cats... didn't really see much foreshadowing of that.
[18:23] <@Habeas2> Kamose - You really didn't see that coming? Seriously? Wow.
[18:25] <Kamose> No... perhaps too much wishful thinking on my part. I guess I expected to see it unfold, not presented as a fait accompli. I buy the book, and suddenly I have no faction!
[18:28] <@Habeas2> Kamose - That is a risk that everyone faces, sooner or later. Plus, well, we have no novels, and we can't keep up the news media approach forever, so you get the story "fait accompli" so to speak.

[19:10] <Nerroth> In a broader sense, has the entry into the Dark Age via ER:3145 generated the kind of reaction (in terms of PDF sales and in on-forum discussion) that you were expecting, or are things going better or worse than had been hoped?
[19:11] <Nerroth> And TRO:3145M, I forgot to add.
[19:12] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Seems better than anticipated.

[18:19] <Kamose> Any chance of getting the class of the Fidelis WarShip, Flatus?
[18:22] <@Habeas2> Kamose - Someday, I imagine. I'm not really in a rush to find out myself.

Alpha Strike:
[18:20] <Nerroth> Apologies if this is covered by Quick-Strike already, but will Alpha Strike include rules for operating Land Air 'Mechs? With the recently-completed Spectral LAM project in mind, it would be welcome if those new minis (to include the Mk1 LAMs covered in stretch goals) were supported in the upcoming book.)
[18:23] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Hmmm. Doesn't seem so.
[18:23] <Nerroth> In that case, is that something that could be added in a future expansion or supplemental file?
[18:24] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Yup.

[18:25] <Nerroth> Speaking of Alpha Strike, how far in scale will the actions it will cover go? For example, will WarShips be supported in the starter book; and if not, could they be added to a future expansion?
[18:29] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Looks like there's minimal WarShip support. WOuld likely be a later supplement

[18:30] <Nerroth> Will AS include rules for both hex-based and hexless play?
[18:30] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Yes

[18:34] <Nerroth> Will the first AS book include the rules needed to support the "new" units and technologies (such as Nova CEWS) from the Wars of Reaving or the upcoming TRO3145 PDFs, or would those have to wait for later expansions?
[18:37] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Later expansions

[18:40] <Nerroth> Has there been any thought put in as to what era the presentation/cover art/etc for AS will be put in? I'm thinking of how StratOps has a Jihad-era cover, and how TW is currently presented as being in the midst of that era.
[18:44] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Likely Clan Invasion

[18:45] <Nerroth> I see. When it comes to AS expansions, woudl they be pdf-based, or could there be print books which further build upon the game engine?
[18:46] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - The first batch of Alpha Strike supplements are planned for PDF-exclusive release.

[18:48] <Nerroth> In the longer run, will the existence of AS as a product line in its own right have an affect on future TROs or sourcebooks? Will any of those latter books be more likely to include the AS unit cards included within, or would they have to go into the same queue as those currently waiting to go into the MUL?
[18:51] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Yes

[18:52] <Nerroth> How far along is Alpha Strike in terms of its development process?
[18:56] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - The core rules are done and are undergoing a crash playtest to verify workability. SUpplemental rules and other writing continue as we speak. Art, fortunately, is not that big an issue.

[18:59] <Nerroth> Is there a particular design choice that is making the Clan Invasion the most likely starting point for AS? (Is it as simple as there being unit card pdfs for the 3039 and 3050 TROs, or would there not have been enough room to start in the Jihad or Dark Age at this point?)
[19:00] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Not enough hard data on Dark Age units was available when production started, and art/miniatures are not yet up to Dark Age needs. Also, the fact is that the electronic properties out there are focused on roughly the Clan era of play, so we felt it would be more recognizable to new-ish players.

[19:02] <Nerroth> That leads me to a semi-related question; is there any particular issue with using the MW:DA/AoD minis/stands with the AS rules, or would those minis have to be re-based before they were compatible?
[19:06] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Legally speaking, the click-dial base concept is a property of WizKids Games, so we try to stay clear of using Dark Age minis in our present-day artwork.
[19:07] <SpaceCowboy1701> To clarify, though, N-scale miniatures will work with the new AS rules, then?

[19:07] <Nerroth> So, the large-scale adoption of AS to the Dark Age would be dependent on IWM getting more of the 3145 units done up in mini form? (And is there any word from that quarter on that happening in the near future?)
[19:08] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Not really, since we continue to alow proxy minis. Just don't expect a lot of mini-based art support for the Dark Age before we have enough DA-era figures to show.

Sun Tzu:
[18:18] <drufause> so some of us are still waiting to find out what happend to sunny
[18:21] <@Habeas2> Drufause - You already know. He died and got tucked into a freezer so people could keep worshiping his corpse.
[18:22] <drufause> right but what disease is it hereditary from the davions?
[18:24] <@Habeas2> Drufause - Fiat poisoning.

Clan Sea Fox:
[18:23] <Gaiiten> The semi-nomadic DA Shark-Foxes are very interesting, can you think of expanding the idea to a true space-nomad-based faction?
[18:24] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - Nope.
[18:25] <Gaiiten> Why not, if I may ask?
[18:27] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - Because BattleTech is a land-based setting, not a space-based one.

Field Manual 3145:
[18:26] <SpaceCowboy1701> Will FM 3145 have info on the RotS forces inside the Fortress as well as the Remnant?
[18:30] <@Habeas2> SpaceCowboy1701 - Yes.

[18:35] <SpaceCowboy1701> Another question on FM 3145 -- will we see which units the RotS pirate factions have been folded into? The Stormhammers, for example, still seem to be together as a unit, though now under the LAF command structure.
[18:38] <@Habeas2> SpaceCowboy1701 - We will see, eventually, where they went. Any we forgot will have been disbanded/destroyed.
[18:43] <SpaceCowboy1701> Fair enough ... I've been waiting 10 years for the Dark Age to be "filled in" properly like this. Thanks to everyone involved for making it worth the wait.
[18:45] <@Habeas2> SpaceCoyboy1701 - On behalf of the team, thank you for your support.

[18:43] <Gaiiten> Can you tell us when we can expect FM 3145?
[18:46] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - I cannot offer a hard ETA at this time, but it will likely be toward the end of the year.

[18:48] <Gaiiten> Thank you. Given the ongoing timeline, does it report the To&E at the Moment when ER 3145 ends or later?
[18:51] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - You'll see deployments of al notable forces as of 31 Dec 3145

Katrina Steiner-Davion:
[18:27] <drufause> did Kat-S-D leave behind memoirs to instruct her son on how to run his future realms
[18:30] <@Habeas2> Drufause – No
[18:28] <DarkISI> Drufause - No, but she left Alaric a broken TV and three spoons
[18:28] <drufause> whats he going to use a spoon for does he even eat pudding

Upcoming Products/3145:
[18:34] <Kamose> What is the next 3145 product to be released?
[18:36] <@Habeas2> Kamose - The next 3145 PDF should be TRO 3145 Capellan Confederation. The next print book would be Field Manual 3145.

[19:12] <Gaiiten> TRO 3145 Capcon you mentioned as being the next in the serie, what faction after this?
[19:13] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - TRO 3145 Draconis Combine

[18:40] <drufause> Will we get a conspiracys plot book for 3145 and if not.... Please... Pretty Please.... Pretty Please with an Atlas on the top.
[18:43] <@Habeas2> Drufause - None is currently planned.

Upcoming Products/XTRO Primitves IV:
[18:34] <martian> What about the XTRO:Primitives 4? Can we expect it in next two months or so?
[18:38] <@Habeas2> Martian - Depends on real-world considerations. We have something of a glut of PDFs in the pipe right now.

Upcoming Products/Post Dark Age:
[19:03] <Gaiiten> Just a cautious question, when can we expect to get the first info about So-Far-I-can-not-tell-you new setting?
[19:06] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - Probably when we publish the first one; sorry, but you guys panic WAY too easy for me nowadays.
[19:08] <Gaiiten> You know to stop panic, it is to be recommended not to do a sudden surprise, but rather a slow careful Information flow ...
[19:09] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - Kind of tried that. It started panic early. I decided to shut up about future plans after that.
[19:11] <Gaiiten> You know more People did not Panic, those who did were just very noisy.
[19:12] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - It was enough to shut me up either way.

Tech Advancement:
[18:45] <Garydee> Is the new tech that the Inner Sphere introduces during the Dark Age going to be at Clan tech level or are they still behind the curve?
[18:46] <@Habeas2> Garydee - Yes
[18:49] <Garydee> Perhaps I should restate my question. Is the new tech the IS develops during the Dark Age at Clan level?
[18:52] <@Habeas2> Garydee - Some are. Some aren't. Nobody holds an exclusive right to tech advancement, after all.

[18:51] <John_Hawk> Will there be a document updating quirks for previously published units -- perhaps a .pdf exclusive, or through the MUL? Or will we have to wait for a revision to see those quirks?
[18:52] <@Habeas2> John_Hawk - Eventually. Our hope was to circulate it through the MUL when resources became available, but we've been taxing those resources on all things technical this year.

XTRO 1945:
[18:52] <trboturtle> What's been the reaction to the XTRO:1945 been like? I know it was an April fools joke, but I think peoiple liked it...
[18:55] <@Habeas2> Trboturtle - Fascinating question! I checked out the sales data and found that, of all the BattleTech-related AFD gags we've done since Best Ever!, XTR 1945 broke all kinds of records. Over 2,00 copies of XTR 1945 were "sold" in the first 14 days of its release. Compared with 3,193 copies of Best Ever! since that book came out 4 years ago, and 1,479 copies of Free Taiw..St. Ives since that debuted last year, the response is nothing short of phenomenal.

[19:00] <trboturtle> Any chance of another XTRO 1945 volume?
[19:01] <@Habeas2> Trboturtle - There's always a chance--but don't hold your breath.

Miniatures/Fan Funded Primitive Thunderbolt:
[19:00] <John_Hawk> Herb, I know this is probably a better question for the guys at IWM, but have you heard any news about the fan funded Primitive T-Bolt?
[19:01] <@Habeas2> John_Hawk - You're right. That's a better question for IWM. I can't say where that one is.

[19:04] <Gaiiten> Besides killing off known factions, might new ones be introduced?
[19:07] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - You could say that.

Historical: Wars of the Republic Era:
[19:14] <Nerroth> Has a chief author been selected for Historical: Wars of the Republic Era?
[19:15] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Yes. Three, in fact.
[19:15] <Nerroth> One for each campaign?
[19:16] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Yes.

Handbook: House Kurita:
[19:15] <martian> Is planned date for Handbook: House kurita still mid-year?
[19:16] <@Habeas2> Martian - That is unknown. Due to the poor selling nature of Handbooks, Kurita (unfortunately) gets shunted down the priority chain a lot and thus has no art to speak of yet.

Quad Vees:
[19:15] <Gaiiten> Are the Quadvees included in the TRO 3145: Clans (inclusive construction rules)?
[19:17] <@Habeas2> Gaiiten - Yes

Era Digest: Dark Age:
[19:17] <Nerroth> One final question for now: is Era Digest:Dark Age close to being ready for upload?
[19:18] <@Habeas2> Nerroth - Nope. The author is taking a temporary break from 3145

Silly Stuff:
[18:43] <drufause> does the invention of Pop Tarts in the late 20th century keep conventional pop up toaster ovens in manufacture throughout all eras of the universe
[18:45] <@Habeas2> Drufause - I'll have to check with continuity on that. I'd hate to straitjacket my writers.

[19:17] <@Habeas2> Thank you for participating in this Catalyst Game Labs BattleTech Line Developer-aided Public Relations Activity

Pa Weasley писал(а):Alpha Strike
<Corrinald>: Will Alpha Strike be released by the end of this year?
<Habeas2>: Corrinald - Yup!

TRO: 3145
<John_Hawk>: Herb, Will TRO 3145 contain upgraded versions of the Phoenix 'mechs?
<Habeas2>: John_Hawk - Not necessarily.

<BigAl>: Will there be any surprise in the TRO 3145 PDF's and book? Like Industrial Mechs (MOD) and Regular Infantry.
<Habeas2>: BigAl - Depends what one considers a surprise, really. Some of it may be featured, but we're not planning to show a lot of MOD Industrials or Conventional Infantry.

<Deadborder>: How about the "dumptruck" MiningMech from DA?
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - How about it?
<Deadborder>: Just wondering if we'd ever see stats ofr it
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - That's kind of a maybe. TRO: Vehicle Annex Revised (PDF only) does have an armed WorkMech section that should fit the bill for most of the Dark Age MODs.
<Deadborder>: Awesome, thanks

<mib_1o0wpq>: can we expect more MekTek mechs, like Deimos, to be canonized in this TRO 3145?
<Habeas2>: Mib_1o0wpq - Not really, no. Sorry.
<mib_1o0wpq>: oh, ok. It seems I have to make my own Ares...
<Habeas2>: Mib_1o0wpq - Huh? Ares (the Colossal) is planned for TRO 3145
<mib_1o0wpq>: I was talking about the MekTek Ares, the 70 ton one
<Youngblood>: mib_1o0wpq -- There is a 'Mech called the Ares in the BattleTech universe. It is not the MekTek Ares.
<Youngblood>: It is 135 tons, if I recall correctly.
<Habeas2>: Mib_1o0wpq - Oh, that. Yup. On your own thre.

Deadborder>: With converting DA 'Mechs and the like into CBT stats, were there any units that were particularly difficult or hellish?
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - Yes. All of them. So we decided to wing it.
<Deadborder>: Fair

<Deadborder>: Will the other 3145 PDF TROs be about the same size as Mercenaries?
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - Yes.

<BigAl>: So there are going to be a totol of 8 3145 PDF's and a TRO book?
<Habeas2>: BigAl - About right.
<Youngblood>: That would be a dictionary-sized book.

<Youngblood>: (feel free to ignore if this has been answered already) Herb, how many "volumes" of TRO 3145 can we expect for release this year? In any form, digitally or otherwise.
<Habeas2>: Youngblood - Roughly 8, in all.
<Youngblood>: Impressive!

Novels and Fiction:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: How often do key plot points come out of careful planning and universe-building, versus how often you stumble upon a dangling thread in old products that inspire you to take things in new directions?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - The main plots ALWAYS come from careful planning.

<Circinus_Enquirer>: Lacking novels, what options are open to you to flesh out character-based stories in the 3145+ era? We
<Circinus_Enquirer>: 've seen a couple of BattleCorps stories in the Dark Age era, but they're few and far between.
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Outside of sourcebooks, BattleCorps is it.

<Circinus_Enquirer>: Who controls the reprint rights for the MWDA stories (yours and Randall's) in Scrye way back when? Any chance of seeing them appear on BattleCorps?
<Trboturtle>: Circinus_Enquirer -- us BattleCorps authors are only slightly less in the dark than everyone else about the DA era....
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Not sure who owns them, which puts them in a kind of legal limbo. Ergo, you shouldn't expect them in BattleCorps any time soon.

<Youngblood>: Can you comment on this lack of character-driven stories in the 3145+ era as a shift away from such depiction of the universe?
<Habeas2>: Youngblood - No novels, so no characters to drive the story. You get sourcebooks and you get BattleCorps, and that's all I can really offer at this stage.
<Trboturtle>: Youngblood -- there are planty of character-driven stories on BattleCorps. The problem is there is only a limited number of words we can use....
<Youngblood>: 125-135

<Youngblood>: Addendum to my question -- What solutions do you perhaps have in mind for fans who would like to jump into the universe through such media, aside from spending the effort into playing A Time of War?
<Habeas2>: Youngblood - There's no way to "passively" enter the BattleTech universe. There's no pure sourcebook out there that isn't part of the game in some mechanical fashion. Aside from reading BattleCorps fiction, or scournging the old novels in bargain bins, your best option is to grab an Intro Box Set or start gathering core rulebooks.
<Habeas2>: Youngblood - Actually, that's not true. There's some free-to-download source material available via the site here: http://bg.battletech.com/ (Look for the New to BattleTech, Universe, and Downloads tabs.)

<Circinus_Enquirer>: When WizKids launched MWDA with the INN site, news articles were a key part of fleshing out the developing storyline in the universe. Is there any chance of seeing Dark Age-era news articles on BattleCorps' news section?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Why? Look here on our BattleTech website: http://bg.battletech.com/?page_id=27
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Bottom of page is the links to stored versions of all the old WizKids material.

<Deadborder>: Which reminds me that I should get off my bum and get back to work on that BC concept I've been prodding
<Trboturtle>: Deadborder -- so get writing!
<Deadborder>: I hit a roadblock. Something very close to what I'd come up with actually happened in a novel
<Deadborder>: er, DA Novel
<Trboturtle>: Deadborder -- plenty of places, people and battles to chronicle....
<Trboturtle>: But that HBHK keep people up most nights.....

<Youngblood>: Habeas2 -- Understood. Any ideas on how to keep older fans of the BT who grew up on novels interested without resorting to the magical tangle of tubes of the Internet? Some of them are dinosaurs, and I feel bad for them.
<Habeas2>: Youngblood - Not to put too fine a point on it, but if the older fans of the BT setting who grew up on novelsaren't going to deal with the "magical tangle of tubes of the Internet", they're going to find themselves increasingly left behind. The entire industry is changing, and not being net-savvy means you lose a lot of material. We can no longer promise that everything printed electronically will ever be put into a print book.

<Circinus_Enquirer>: Sorry, I wasn't clear - Any chance of getting new news articles set in 3145+ on BattleCorps?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - New news articles? There's ALWAYS a CHANCE. Just not a likely one in this case.

<trboturtle>: I may have missed this before...no new BT novels anytime soon, correct?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Correct. No new BT novels any time soon.

<Circinus_Enquirer>: I saw from the earlier chat transcript that the "Surrender Your Dreams" finale is possibly decanonized, due to its potential to limit storylines. If that's the case, can you 'splain what the deal with that fake Master's coffin was, since it was pretty well set down in JHS:Final Reckoning that he died when our beloved Circinus fell to the Regulan Rampage.
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - As was established even in the epilogue, it was NOT the Master's remains. What did you expect someone to do? Go to Cricinus, scoop up some random bit of radioactive ash, and confirm it was actually the real Thomas Marik somehow? The dude was vaporized.
<Circinus_Enquirer>: Right, but why go to the trouble of pretending?
<Circinus_Enquirer>: (Hmmm... go to Circinus and investigate the death of the Master? This sounds like a job for...Circinus Enquirer!!!)
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - You now hit on exactly WHY the Jihad-era sourcebooks worked vs. a novelization. No body in media reports = May be alive! No body in novelization = Oh, we know he's dead, so the author's yanking our chain, and we don't care that the in-universe characters don't know this yet. (Imagine our trying to explain the Jihad in a more conventional sourcebook format and said "everyone was confused". Nobody would buy it
<Circinus_Enquirer>: I personally really loved the media report format for both the Jihad and when BattleTechnology did it for the Clan invasion (as well as when INN did it on a more limited basis, due to lack of HPGs, for the intial Blackout). It's a mechanism well suited to the BattleTech setting. Will we see more in the future?
<Habeas2>: Cricinus_Enquirer - Not exactly in that fashion. At least not for a while.
<Corrinald>: I also enjoyed the media report format. I was very lost at first, but I became more riveted as I read on. I felt more "in" the universe than ever before.

Fortress Republic:
<InigoMontoya>: Was the technology behind Fortress Republic fully fleshed out, or something Wizkids did that you had to scramble to make fit?
<Habeas2>: InigoMontoya - Nope.

Herb's a proud papa:
<Kamose>: What current or upcoming product are you personally proud of?
<Kamose>: I mean, MOST proud of.
<Habeas2>: Kamose - Not to sound pedantic, but I'm personally proud of ALL of them. I see BattleTech products as children, and it's kind of unfair to pick and choose when each is basically a labor of love.

<Terminax>: Can we get more pirates plz?
<Habeas2>: Terminax - I'm sorry. Your request infringes on future material beyond the presently announced story line, and I cannot discuss that item further.
<Terminax>: Okay.

<Kamas>: Herb: Your thoughts on catgirls?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - Depends on the catgirl.
<Kamas>: Okay, followup. Any catgirls you like?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - Yup.

and Bannon's Raiders
<Deadborder>: Herb, are we ever going to find out what happened to Bannson's Raiders? The end of the 'Loyalty' short kind of left them hanging
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - That's a maybe.
<Deadborder>: Thanks!

Con Exclusives:
<John_Hawk>: Herb, is there any word on planned exclusives for the Cons this year?
<Habeas2>: John_Hawk - We're still discussing that.

Upcoming XTROs:
<BigAl>: Any new XTROs that will be coming out soon?
<Habeas2>: BigAl - "Soon" is hard to say. We have 2 more Primitives, 1 Star League, and 2 Jihad/Dark Age era XTRs in the hopper, plus about 3 Succession Wars XTRs in progress.

<Deadborder>: Can you say which TRO we'll see the Raider ICE BattleMech in?
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - Probably an XTR.
<Deadborder>: Cool beans. I love that thing

Master's and Minions Game:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: At the Masters and Minions game, do you plan on once more running an unkillable zombie 'Mech that keeps you in the game until 3 AM?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - I didn't even run one of those before. This year, I'm honestly thinking of fielding two COM-2D Commandos.

New BV:
<Corrinald>: How is the new BV system coming along? Are you still planning to replace the current BV system with it?
<Habeas2>: Corrinald - We put the brakes on the new BV system to see how well received the latest errata holds. If we redo BV, after all, we'll even need to rework Alpha Strike.
<Corrinald>: Oh, okay, I didn't realize there was new BV errata.
<Habeas2>: Corrinald - Yes, there was a very extensive TechManual errata released. Plans are to issue a revised TM in PDF-only format later this year.
<Corrinald>: Thank you. I will have to look into it.

Turning Points:
<Kamas>: How many Turning Points are planned for the 3145 era?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - At this time, there are no Turning Points planned for the 3145 era.

Monopoly and Capellan Expansionism:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: If Daoshen Liao conquers both Park Place and Boardwalk, does he get to build hotels?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Cat knows he'll TRY, but the ethnically-Davion contractors there will give it their usual shitty craftsmanship....
<John_Hawk>: Well, they might not, if he'd actually share the plans with them, rather than asking them to take it on blind faith. ..
<John_Hawk>: Daoshen Liao, that is.

<John_Hawk>: Will we see anything of 3250 this year, or will that wait until 2014?
<Habeas2>: John_Hawk - I'm afraid your request infringes on material I am presently not at liberty to discuss and so I cannot respond to that item.
<John_Hawk>: And, I understand about the new products.

<OrinThomas>: Are there any plans to do an Interstellar Players type book for the 3145 era? I always really enjoy reading these conspiracy theory type books
<Habeas2>: OrinThomas - There are no current plans for an Interstellar Players type book for he 3145 era. Sorry.
<OrinThomas>: cool - thanks Herb

Map packs:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: Is the maptile product series planned to continue?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Yup.

<John_Hawk>: Oh, that's a good question. Are there any chances of new maps in the future, rather than reprints, even in map pack form, of the old ones?
<Habeas2>: John_Hawk - That is unknown at this time. The existing maps, after all, are legion, and we're not pumping that many out at a time here.

<Trboturtle>: are the PDF mapsheets going to continue?
<Habeas2>: Trboturtle - Yes.

Future of the Federated Suns:
<Kamas>: Are the Federated Suns going to have much of a comeback before we get to the timeskip, or will the 3145 borders be the new 'status quo'
<Kamas>: (this is only a question pertaining to the immediate future of the DA era)
<Habeas2>: Kamas - I'm afraid your request infringes on material I am presently not at liberty to discuss and so I cannot respond to that item.
<Terminax>: New Avalon or BUST!!!

<Deadborder>: Was there any manical laughter when drawing up the 3145 FedSuns borders?
<Habeas2>: Deadborder - Ohyeah.

Gaming Industry and BattleTech Mechanics/Teaching dicusion:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: What developments in the gaming industry over the last 20 years have surprised you the most?
<Habeas2>: Cricinus_Enquirer - Hmmm. I don't know that any of it really surprised me. I suppose the fact that BT found it possible to outlast Dark Age with 30-year old game mechanics could be a surprise, but even then it clearly needs an upgrade to stay competitive.

<OrinThomas>: the 30 year old mechanics are a blessing and a curse. Great because you don't have to keep learning new rules every couple of years though
<OrinThomas>: I guess a drawback is that it takes a while to play the game - it's not fast
<Habeas2>: OrinThomas - Exactly, and that makes for a roadblock to new players. I've met many that wished they had time to learn, but hours for a single lance-on-lance fight is too much investment for people who want to play other games as well.
<OrinThomas>: yeah - been trying to get to a point where I can intro it to my 10 year old
<Habeas2>: OrinThomas - Save it for Alpha Strike?
<Deadborder>: I've been teaching a couple of my friends BT. It's been... amusing
<OrinThomas>: maybe - though BattleTech also has the advantage of being great at learning probability
<Corrinald>: This is why I'm excited for Alpha Strike. I want to introduce Quick Strike to my gaming group. We've been playing Battletech for 15+ years, but it's very hard to find time to all get together.
<Deadborder>: One of them had his Enforcer fall over and TAC its AC ammo early in the game. I patted him on the back and said "That's the Battletech Experience". He laughed

<Circinus_Enquirer>: Building on an earlier question - what's been the most distressing development in the gaming industry you've seen in the last 20 years, and what's been the most positive?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - I think anyone would by lying if they told you computer and video games didn't scare the life out of us. Even though they're different media, electronic games tend to compete for the same free hours as tabletop games. That they now reach a sophistication where you can get instant gratification even for a game as complex and deep as BT tends to make us leery of our future,
<Habeas2>: Ciricnus_Enquirer - At the same time, though, all forms of gaming have reached a point where they're considered much more socially acceptable than ever before. It's harder and harder to find someone who hasn't at least had some experience with tabeltop wargames and RPGs.

<Terminax>: I run a new player table every month at our LGS and we clock it in under two hours for six players.
<OrinThomas>: wow - Terminax
<Circinus_Enquirer>: (One trick is to give everyone a Hollander - 15 point gun, thin armor, short game...)
<Terminax>: It helps that we focus on just the basics, keep it between lights and mediums and I focus on team objectives rather than just the grind.

April Fool's Thread:
<Youngblood>: Herb, would you say my April Fool's thread brought all the fanboys to the yard, and was generally better than yours--ahem, I mean, better than the TRO: 1945 thread?
<Habeas2>: Youngblood - What thread?
<Youngblood>: Exactly!

Combine Civil Wars:
<Kamas>: Okay, side question on the Kuritas - is their current leadership, namely the Coordinator-Kanrei-ISF in good agreement with each other or is there animosity and clashes between them?
<Habeas2>: Kamas - The Dracs have a way of hiding their civil wars from the universe at large. The current leadership is no different.

Caleb vs. Julian:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: I've got to say, I really enjoyed the twist on the foreshadowed "Caleb vs. Julian" conflict that was foreshadowed in the WizKids novels - sidestepped in order to showcase the legendary political treachery of the Ravens. It made a much better addition to the storyline than ye olde civil war.
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Thanks.

Construction Software:
<mib_1o0wpq>: last question: is CGL doing something about the lack of support software for units construction? even our best option, SSW, is outdated and is missing rules for other units besides mechs and vehicles
<Habeas2>: Mib_1o0wpq - We are exploring numerous options. The issues you see are identical to those we face every time we print a product, after all.
<Youngblood>: Ew, ew, an electronic rights question.

<Terminax>: Will CGL or Demo Agents get out to any Canadian conventions this year?
<Habeas2>: Terminax - That's kind of up to them. I have a hands off policy when it comes to Demo Team activities.

3145 new tech:
<Pa_Weasley>: ER 3145 introduce new armor and other toys. Any word on where we'll be seeing the rules for those?
<Habeas2>: Pa_Weasley - Field Manual: 3145

ATOW and controlled substances:
<Circinus_Enquirer>: And now out of left field: There are two BattleTech-universe drugs not found on the AToW charts - MindMASC (Dragons of Despair) and Brace (Pal Sandoval stories). Any suggestions as to their general categories for AToW simulation?
<Habeas2>: Circinus_Enquirer - Not without more details on what they're supposed to do from the authors who created them.
<Circinus_Enquirer>: Fair enough. Snoooort! Hmmm. Yellow...

<Corrinald>: Is the next Hexpack coming out this year?
<Habeas2>: Corrinald - Yes,
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение acefalcon » 25 апр 2013, 14:36

Ничего нового, кроме радостной вести о всех ТРО 3145 в этом году
Jack, you have debauched my sloth!
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Юджин » 25 апр 2013, 15:11

А наши вопросы задавали? :)
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение KolbunD » 25 апр 2013, 15:19

По ходу дела наши вопросы мимо кассы ...
Лютасцю больш небяспечны, чым люты драпежнік,
Зубр для людзей не страшны, не чапай — не зачэпіць,
Будзе стаяць як укопаны — пастыр на варце,
Не страпянецца, а позіркам пасціць няспынна
I чараду, і сям'ю ў чарадзе на папасе
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение FES » 25 апр 2013, 15:38

А где смотреть про новый стартер и про Альфастрайк?
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение Diamond » 26 апр 2013, 10:23

KolbunD писал(а):По ходу дела наши вопросы мимо кассы ...

Я могу тебе помочь. Представь, что я - это Херб.

1) Планируются ли к выходу большие сурсы по подразделениям наемников на период 3085-3145? Более позднего периода?

2) Блеки будут воскрешать в дурке

Мы подумаем об этом.
3) Будет ли выпил крупных и мелких старых фракций БТ в ближайшее время?

Скоро узнаете.
4) Авторы взяли курс на выпиливание мощностей промышленности БТ или ДОма, Кланы и Периферию ждет возрождение?

5) Кто, черт возьми!, такие "Зеленые призраки"!!!???

"Зелёные призраки" - это неопознанное подразделение, действующее главным образом на периферийной границе Альянса Лиры...
6) Еще какое-либо упоминание Клана Россомах планируется или от них наконец-то отстанут?

Не исключено.
Вообще-то я противник всякой войны. Война портит солдат, разрушает шеренгу и пачкает мундиры.
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Re: Апрельский бэттлчат

Сообщение ToTguard » 26 апр 2013, 11:21

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