Two New Catalyst Game Labs Casual Games…

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Two New Catalyst Game Labs Casual Games…

Сообщение DeJaVu » 28 окт 2009, 10:26

Catalyst Game Labs is starting to roll out its new casual game line. Unlike the intense, large-scale games of BattleTech, Shadowrun, Eclipse Phase or CthulhuTech, Catalyst casual games are easy to learn, easy to play games with lots of great re-playability.

The first two in the line-up are Poo: The Card Game and Ergo.

Ergo taps into the philosophy geek in all of us, with players attempting to prove their existence while disproving the other player’s existence through classic philosophical rules of logic. Minutes to learn the rules, yet mastery only comes to the smartest players. Ergo comes with 55 cards and a fold-out rules sheet in a beautiful metal tin.

Poo: The Card Game taps into the little kid in all of us…and the jokes that just write themselves. Also minutes to learn the rules, the game is a fast-and-furious ball of laughter, great for larger parties as the game can take up to 8 people flinging poo at one another. Poo: The Card Game includes 110 cards and a fold-out rules sheet.

Both games are perfect stocking stuffers, regardless of what type of gamer you’re trying to please. Ergo will retail for $14.99 while Poo: The Card Game will retail for $12.99. Both will be available November/December timeframe…just in time for the holidays!

Keep watching for when we announce their street date and online availability. Not to mention future casual game releases, such as the next products coming down the pipeline: Merchants and High School Drama.

The Game of Monkeys and Poo Flinging!
It’s been a tough day in the monkey cage and something in the food tonight wasn’t quite right. In monkey world, there’s only one thing that can be done about it – fling poo!

Poo is a fast-paced card game for two to eight players, requiring anywhere from five to fifteen minutes to play. It’s fast and furious – something you can play while waiting in line or on lunch break.

Each player takes on the role of a monkey. You fling poo and mess with each other until only one monkey is left standing. That monkey, of course, is the cleanest one. Each turn, every player gets to draw and play a card, usually either to fling poo at another player or to clean himself off. Out of turn, each player gets to play cards to defend himself or foil other players’ poo flinging.

With cards like these, you can’t lose!
Not in the Face!
King-Kong Poo
Grandpa Poo
The Big One
Montezuma’s Revenge
Buddy’s Face
Shimmy-Shimmy Shake
Blaze of Glory
The Golden Banana

Take It Like A Monkey!

The top five questions about Poo:

1. Can you play with only two players?
Technically, Poo is a game for two to eight players. It can easily be played with only two players. However, since Poo utilizes mechanics that redirect things to the players on a person’s left or right, four or more players are optimal to take full advantage of some of the card effects.

2. Ugh! How could you make a game about this?
We don’t actually show any poo. This game is designed to be cute and fun, something you can play with your mother (which we have). The cartoon-style shows only monkeys’ reactions to the poo being flung at them, or something equally as humorous.

3. When is Poo coming out?
Depends. When did you eat last? The jokes really do write themselves, folks.

Seriously – November/December 2009. In time for the holidays.

4. Where did you come up with the idea for this game?
Years and years of personal research. We’re method.

5. Isn’t this created by the guys that made CthulhuTech?
Yup. Try being that dark all the time and see where it gets you. Usually a quiet room with crayons and colorful little pills that make the world filled with candy and shiny rainbows.

I Play Therefore I am!
Ergo is the logical card game for the geek in all of us. Each player plays a variable (A, B, C, or D) and uses familiar logical operators like ‘Not’, ‘And’, ‘Or’, ‘If-Then’ to prove they exist, and that their opponents don’t!

Along the way, watch out for cards that will shift the equation like Wild Cards, ‘Tabula Rosa’ or the dreaded ‘Fallacy’ card.

Each Player takes turns creating and changing the four premises of the proof to make ‘true’ statements. Watch out though, when someone plays the Ergo card, whoever is true scores!


Re: Two New Catalyst Game Labs Casual Games…

Сообщение Typhoon » 29 окт 2009, 11:14

The Game of Monkeys and Poo Flinging!

Все, абзац, приехали.... :razz:
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Re: Two New Catalyst Game Labs Casual Games…

Сообщение Andos » 29 окт 2009, 11:21

Да ладно те, обычный филлер (заполнитель пауз).
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Re: Two New Catalyst Game Labs Casual Games…

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 29 окт 2009, 12:15

А что, я б какашками покидался. Фан. Кроме того, отличная имитация отзывов самиздата.
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