Фракции в CritterTEK

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Модератор: Маленький Скорпион

Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Typhoon » 16 ноя 2010, 19:35

Конечно, многие из читателей библиотеки давно уже слышали о Critter TEK, и все же я не удержался, от того чтобы выложить здесь описания фракций данной игры, пародирующих хорошо знакомые нам Великие Дома.
Надеюсь, Волчьи Бабуины и Дом Шарика повеселят всех... :)

Critter-TEK is a parody of the BattleTech universe, transforming the setting into a futuristic baseball league spoof with toon-style animals and vehicles.

Critter-TEK is guaranteed to make you more desirable to the opposite sex, lose weight, and get a higher paying job. Or maybe just waste a few hours when you're supposed to be doing something else. So sit back, relax, and try not to bust a gut. That would hurt!

Use the Fo...
oh, never mind.

The Universe

House Deviant (The Amphibian Suns)
Frogs. Heisa Deviant is the Owner and General Manager. Perpetual winners who recently improved their roster through trades with House Katzen. Would have received the Big League Pennant already if AllStar had not curbed them under the pretense of neutral radio coverage of games. Notable for the New Ethan Better Buffonic Institute of Superior History (NEBBISH) where trading cards stolen from House Purina are being researched, in hopes of re-learning "How to throw Killer Curveballs" from Particle Pitching Cannons.

House Purina (The Draconian Combine)
Rabbits. Followers of the Code of Rabbito under Tokojointo Purina. Although Rabbits are presumed to be naturally superior, other races exist within the Combine. One example is Field Manager Georgi Timooshenko (depicted as a Bull). A special Purina combat maneuver is "Death from Below", where a TEKwarrior launches his vehicle into an enemy as a desperate last-ditch effort.

House Low (The Conniptian Confederation)
Mice. Led by Maximum Low, who cannot make reservations for dinner without bribing somebody. He has managed to outsmart himself on a regular basis for years, making his team the least lucky. Their special combat maneuver is the "Low Blow", aiming at the... umm... head.

House Mongrel (The Flea Worlds League)
Dogs. Ownership held by over 700 investors, with Jaundice Mongrel a powerful part-owner. They have some real bulls in the bullpen, but found more ways to blow it by July than any other team. Prone to clubhouse infighting. Promising breeds include the Frontier League AndErUm Rebels and the Kennel League Ornamente. Mongrel recently agreed to co-operate with Purina and Low in the Concord of Kompost.
Tonsillitis Mongrel, sixth pub of the eigth litter sired by Jaundice, became notable as he went to call games on the Big League Radio Network under contract to AllStar.

House Katzen (The Feline Commonwealth)
Cats. Narcon Katarina, the franchise owner, has a really cushy daughter named Meowlissa who wants mouse for dinner, and froggy is going to get it for her. Their Field Marshall has not ordered a planned offensive in 20 years. Their standard combat technique is to stand in the field, catch everything, and throw it back. Great defense, but a lousy way to advance.

AllStar (The Blessed Order of Roselle)
Control the MLB Statistical Computer which records all individual and Franchise statistics. And they certainly have no agenda of their own, with all the money they are making from The Big League Radio Network. Don't tell anyone they are trying to dig up Big League secrets like catcher's armor and aluminium bats, and make sure you look surprised when they reveal their secret army.

Free Agents
Wolf's Baboons under Hymie Wolf, who count the Feared and Respected Natasha Immenski with her Black Hippo Comany and the near-invincible Mastodon Battalion among their roster. Their special rules include "Seventh Kangaroo Sneak Attack" and "The Scriptwriter Is On Their Side".

The Swell Hounds, who never lose unless they have to because of their not-so-benevolent scriptwriter. Their special rules include "The Amazing Ghost TEK" and "The Scriptwriter Is On THEIR Side" (just like for Wolf's Baboons, only differently).

взято отсюда http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Critter-TEK.
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Whitar » 16 ноя 2010, 20:22

По моему бред ;-)
Волк никогда не успокоится, пока его челюсти не сомкнутся на горле Дракона...

http://vkontakte.ru/club12696552 - Украинская БТ группа вконтакте
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение ShadowBlade » 16 ноя 2010, 20:26

За то какой! :D
И хотя бои между кланами велись на планетарном масштабе,своими действиями они больше напоминали драку воспитанников младшей группы детского сада не поделивших песочницу (с) Era Digest: Golden Century
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Маленький Скорпион » 16 ноя 2010, 21:20

Штайнеры -- котэ, это ня ^^
Rp.: Acidum Ascobrinici 96% -- 100500
D.t.d. № ∞
S. Принимать до полного окобрения
Справка действительна по предъявлении справки о наличии справки

з.ы. Your logic sucks, bro.
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Маленький Скорпион
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Евгений зомби » 16 ноя 2010, 23:11

"Погуглил" и наткнулся на изображения из "TRO".

Только не смотрите на местного Локуста (в самом конце)! :o
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Евгений зомби
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Whitar » 16 ноя 2010, 23:49

Хех) ОЧень креативно) Whamhammer и Marfrogger :thumbup:
Волк никогда не успокоится, пока его челюсти не сомкнутся на горле Дракона...

http://vkontakte.ru/club12696552 - Украинская БТ группа вконтакте
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 17 ноя 2010, 07:20

Special Rules
The Scriptwriter Is On Their Side
At the critical moment of the battle, when all seems lost and Natasha is down to her last spitwad, this unit is allowed to declare "The Scriptwriter Is On Our Side!" This allows any unit to be moved anywhere on the battlefield, and all ammunition to be redivided to those who need it. At this time, the Mastodon Battalion may enter the battle from any direction. All off-map artillery and Flyer strafing runs hit the intended target hexes, and the most powerful enemy unit in line-of-sight of Hymie Wolff's personal ТЕК must immediately surrender, run away, or change sides (Wolff's choice).

The amazing Ghost ТЕК
This special rule allows the Swell Hounds to rescue any important character or leader ТЕК from overwhelming odds or an desperate situation, once during a scenario. To do this, the player must gesture wildly away from the game board and yell "What's That, Over There ?!?!?!". Once the other players have looked to see what the commotion is all about, place the Ghost ТЕК in the most advantageous position to save the important character ТЕК. The Ghost ТЕК is -8 To Hit on any attack, and is +8 to be hit. but gets no other defensive modifications.
As the Ghost ТЕК is of the heaviest type ТЕК available in the scenario, this should prove rather disconcerting to theopposition. The Ghost ТЕК will continue to run around blasting the enemy until it is "hit" by enemy fire or spotted by more than three Swell Hound ТЕХ's. If either occurs, the Ghost ТЕК will vanish on the next turn. The Swell Hounds player must then yell "Where Did It Go ???" and look around in false surprise.

The Other Scriptwriter
Is On THEIR Side

This works just like the one for Wolffs Baboons, only different. For these guys, the scriptwriter will wring the moment out to the last possible second before helping, always in the interest of pumping out a new trilogy deal. If he could just get a piece of the merchandising, I'm sure he'd be nicer. Really.

Froggen-Katzen Alliance has become the dominant power in the Infield, and the Deviant-Katzen marriage has by some genetic miracle resulted in an heir to both Franchises. The Captain-General Manager of House Mongrel has passed on, but no one really cares. AllStar, having revealed its sinister intentions, has become a power to be reckoned with on the field. And lots and lots to little plots involving bush league franchises and Free Agents are going on. Wolffs Baboons are slowly recovering from the damage done at Misery, when they hit the game winning Sacrifice Fly in the Playoffs, and may yet be capable of fielding a lineup.
But it looks like things are getting static, what with the dominance of Deviant and Katzen...
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение maxximian » 17 ноя 2010, 09:12

А че? очень даже прикольно :D ! иногда полезно посмеяться! :D
Часть силы той, что без числа творит добро, всему желая зла....
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Typhoon » 17 ноя 2010, 13:58

Так и я ж о чем. Постебались авторы неплохо :D
Whitar писал(а):Хех) ОЧень креативно) Whamhammer и Marfrogger :thumbup:

MKY-MO UrbanMouse
WRM-2S Wormies II
ENF-4GR Enfrogger
TDR-5B Thunderbunny
ARN-1D Schvartsenegger (Atlas)
You think you have defeated us? You think you have defeated the Master’s Chosen? We are Domini! We are ethereal! We are eternal! Blake eleison! We will fight you until the heavens burn, and the skies fall…
Сообщения: 1851
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение IronHawk-711 » 17 ноя 2010, 16:09

Евгений зомби, чет у меня ссылка не работает...
Действия профессионалов можно предсказать, но мир полон любителей.
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Siberian-troll » 17 ноя 2010, 18:18

Неужели никому не нравится Ланчбэк? ;-)
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение Евгений зомби » 17 ноя 2010, 19:35

IronHawk-711 писал(а):Евгений зомби, чет у меня ссылка не работает...

Странно... У меня всё работает. Да и у других тоже. :(
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Евгений зомби
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение IronHawk-711 » 17 ноя 2010, 20:43

Евгений зомби, все норм, просто опера глючит, через др. барузер нормально открывает

дизайны жестокие :D
Действия профессионалов можно предсказать, но мир полон любителей.
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Re: Фракции в CritterTEK

Сообщение kulchick » 18 ноя 2010, 00:11

IronHawk-711 писал(а):Евгений зомби, все норм, просто опера глючит, через др. барузер нормально открывает

не факт, моя опера открыла без проблем
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