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Battle Corps scenario After Action Report

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 апр 2011, 23:05
Отчет от некоего Welshman ;-)
After nearly a year of playing only four intro games with my son, I finally cracked open MegaMek and played around with some serious fighting. Naturally I chose to play with the Battle Corps.

I decided to use Alpha Command, circa 3070 Augustine (It's good to be the writer). At this time Mac's lance is finally brought up to four units again with the transfer of Ofra "Oxie" Xiao-fen Chao-Levine and her Wolverine 8C from Tango. I did have to use a Quickdraw 4H as I don't have the ONN files loaded yet. Mac, Caith and Royal are all considered Veteran pilots, while Oxie is a Regular.

The OpFor was a mixed Lance of 3025 level technology, but still very effective.
Highlander HGN-733P (PPC version)
King Crab KGC-0000
Catapult CPLT-A1
Whitworth WTH-1S

The terrain was interesting (trying to post a jpg to look at), with woods and a large lake to the north and a delta like region to the south. Alpha Command came down the road from the north and the OpFor was on the far side of the delta. With the LRM capability of the OpFor they had respectable long range throw weight. The King Crab's dual ACs meant rushing them was out of the question.

Mac got first blood in the Whitworth from long range and managed to consistently land PPC shots through most of the engagement, despite jumping like a man with napalm on his foot. Mac jumped back and forth along the centerline, with Royal doggedly keeping him close (good bodyguard, good). Caith and Oxie swung wide to come in from the side, so didn't engage right away.

The poor Whitworth never got a decent shot off and was first to die. Amazingly it was engine destruction and not ammo explosion. With the Whitworth short range firepower out of the mix Mac and Royal pushed down the left center as Caith and Oxie jumped back and forth on the right, keeping up a steady harassing fire on the Crab and Cat. The Cat took some nasty hits and panicked, pulling left to try and get protection from the undamaged Highlander. Instead he left himself open to mauling by Mac and Royal and the King Crab was suddenly faced with multiple threats and nearly immobile in the water.

The best kill of the game came now. Oxie managed to jump right behind the Crab and unload her full load. The Wolvie 8C is vicious! Her large pulse laser stripped the armor from the head, knocking the pilot out. The rest of the damage added up to a forced PSR. With a KO'd pilot it failed and fell. Everyone remember he was standing in water. One drowned pilot.

Now four 'Mechs to two, Alpha Command began a hyena like pack attack. The Catapult couldn't land a shot off with just LRMs and finally fell with a hip and gyro. Focus moved to the Highlander.

Things almost turned nasty right here.

Mac was right behind the assault, pumping ERMLs into the shattered rear armor. The Highlander landed his SRM rack and got a critical on the near pristine Phawk. A double gyro hit and Mac was down.

And all hell broke loose. The rest of Alpha closed in on the assault 'Mech, withering it with fire. Again Oxie gets the "kill" credit. This time by ripping off an arm and then kicking away the leg.

With both OpFor 'Mechs crippled, the fight was declared a victory for Alpha Company.

And once again Alpha had to drag their commander off the battlefield…
