Хронология вселенной!!! (Обновлено 26 апреля)

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Модераторы: Siberian-troll, Hobbit

Хронология вселенной!!! (Обновлено 26 апреля)

Сообщение DeJaVu » 24 июл 2007, 10:30


December 17, 2415 - Fall Down Seven Times, Get Up Eight
July 7, 2425 - Forms of Betrayal
December 22, 2438 - Break-Away
February 5, 2439 - Birth of the King
February 7, 2455 - Prometheus Unbound
October 17, 2455 - Nothing Ventured
April 2, 2457 - Goliath out of the Box
April 9, 2459 - A Dish Served Cold


November 9, 2510 - Far Country - Prologue
August 12, 2528 - Paladin
March 6, 2573 - What I Remember Most
February 18, 2585 - The Theseus Knot


October 4, 2662 - Seventy
July 18, 2664 - The Pear


2721 - Destiny's Call (Parts 1 - 4)
June 16, 2725 - Way of the Champion
June 24, 2763 - Self Defense
April 4, 2765 - An Ill-Made House (Parts 1 - 2)
February 22, 2774 - Star Lord - Prologue
September 14, 2783 - The Top of the Scrap Heap
October 26, 2784 - When the Bears Left
November 5, 2784 - Fall From Glory (Part 1)
June 14, 2785 - Be Good
September 28, 2785 - Fall From Glory (Part 2)
December 28, 2787 - Broken Blade
January 2, 2791 - A Soldier's Privilege
March 18, 2794 - Fall From Glory (Part 3)


May 5, 2801 - Fall From Glory (Part 4)
June 12, 2822 - Foundations of Fate
June 10, 2823 - Treachery's Stage
October 8, 2823 - The Switchback Directive
October 25, 2823 - Asunder
June, 2825 - Chains
June 29, 2825 - Echoes of Disgrace
May 14, 2833 - Conquer the Kremlin!
2865 - Pearl's Ghost


May 30, 2972 - Godt Bytte
August 3, 2989 - Biendieu


February 3, 3004 - Heir to the Dragon - Prologue


October 3, 3010 - Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Parts 1 - 2)
October 4, 3010 - Not the Way the Smart Money Bets (Parts 3 - 4)


October 24, 3014 - Godfather


May 17, 3018 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 1 - 3
May 18, 3018 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 4 - 6


June 6, 3019 - Hector (Part 1)
June 14, 3019 - Hector (Part 2)
July 29, 3019 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 7
September 20, 3019 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 8
September 22, 3019 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 9 - 12
September 23, 3019 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 13 - 14


September 14, 3021 - Wolves on the Border - Prologue


April 20, 3022 - Descent - Part 1
June 1, 3022 - Warrior: En Garde - Prologue


March 9, 3023 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 1
June 13, 3023 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 2 - 4
June 14, 3023 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 5 - 6
June 17, 3023 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 7 - 9
June 18, 3023 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 10
June 21, 3023 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 11 - 12


November 9, 3024 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 13
November 11, 3024 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 14
November 12, 3024 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 15
December 22, 3024 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 15 - 16


3025 - Life in the Big City
3025 - Zeroing In
May 1, 3025 - The Heart of Dixie
December 16, 3025 - Wolves on the Border - Interlude


January 10, 3026 - Think Like a Liao - Part 1
January 12, 3026 - Sniper
January 21, 3026 - Think Like a Liao - Part 2
August 15, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 16
August 16, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 17
September 19, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 18
September 29, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 19
September 30, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 20
October 1, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 21
October 3, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 22 - 24
October 4, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 25
October 10, 3026 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 10
November 2, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 26
November 15, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 27
November 24, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 28
November 27, 3026 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 1 - 2
December 1, 3026 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 29; Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 18
December 27, 3026 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 7


January 1, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 15 - 16
January 8, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 8
January 10, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 9
January 11, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 11
January 15, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 3 - 6
January 20, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 12
January 22, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 13
January 30, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 14
February 20, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 17 - 19
March 1, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 20 - 21
March 20, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 22 - 24
April 8, 3027 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 30
April 10, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 25 - 26
April 11, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 27
April 15, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 28 - 29
April 20, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 30 - 32
April 24, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 33
April 26, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 34
May 5, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 35 - 38
May 6, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 39 - 40
May 11, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 41
May 19, 3027 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 31 - 32
May 21, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 42
May 22, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 44
May 23, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 43, 45
May 24, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 46
May 25, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 47 - 49
May 26, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapters 50 - 56
June 5, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Chapter 57
June 10, 3027 - Warrior: En Garde - Epilogue
June 22, 3027 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 33
June 29, 3027 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 34
July 15, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Prologue
August 28, 3027 - Wolves on the Border - Interlude
October 10, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 1
October 15, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 2 - 3
October 21, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 4
October 22, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 5 - 7
October 23, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 8
November 20, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 9
December 11, 3027 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 19 - 20
December 20, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 10 - 11
December 22, 3027 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 35
December 25, 3027 - Ghost of Christmas Present
December 27, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 12
December 31, 3027 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 13 - 16


January 2, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 36 - 41
January 3, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 42 - 45
January 11, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 46
January 13, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 47
January 14, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 48
January 15, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 17
February 1, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 49
February 14, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 18
February 29, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 19
March 3, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 20 - 23
March 17, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 21
April 5, 3028 - Descent - Part 2
April 22, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 50
April 23, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 51
April 25, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 52
May 20, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapters 53 - 54
May 26, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 55
May 27, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Chapter 56
July 12, 3028 - Descent - Part 3
August 7, 3028 - Descent - Parts 4 - 5
August 8, 3028 - Crucible - Parts 1 - 3
August 14, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 24
August 16, 3028 - In Love and War
August 17, 3028 - Wolves on the Border - Epilogue; Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 25 - 26
August 18, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 27 - 30
August 19, 3028 - Stitch in Time; Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 31 - 34
August 20, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapters 35 - 41
August 21, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 42
August 29, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 22 - 24
September 14, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 25
September 25, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 43
September 26, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 26
September 27, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 27
October 1, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 28
October 16, 3029 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 29
October 17, 3029 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 30
October 20, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 44
October 30, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 31
November 15, 3028 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 45
December 13, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 32
December 21, 3028 - Highlander Gambit - Prologue; Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 46
December 2?, 3028 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 33


January 11, 3029 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 47
January 12, 3029 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 48
January 14, 3029 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 49
January 20, 3029 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 50
February 2, 3029 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 51
February 14, 3029 - Warrior: Riposte - Chapter 52
February 27, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Prologue
March 3, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 1 - 2
March 20, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 3 - 5
March 21, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 6
April 5, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 7
April 9, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 11
April 14, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 12
April 17, 3029 - Simple Farmer (Total Warfare)
April 20, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 8
April 25, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 9
April 27, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 10
May 15, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 13 - 14
May 17, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 15
May 20, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 16
May 27, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 17
May 29, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 18
June 1, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 19
June 6, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 20
June 7, 3029 - An Emissary of Heaven
June 20, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 21
June 25, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 22
July 19, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 23
July 20, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 24 - 26
July 21, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 27
August 1, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 28 - 29
August 2, 3029 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 34
August 3, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 30
August 4, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 31
August 6, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 32 - 33
August 10, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 34
August 15, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 35
August 19, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 36
August 29, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 37
September 3, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 38
September 7, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 39 - 40
September 10, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 41 - 42
September 15, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 43; Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 35
October 19, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 44
October 20, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 45
October 22, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 46
October 24, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 47
October 24, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapters 48 - 52
November 16, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 53
December 1, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Chapter 54
December 15, 3029 - Warrior: Coupe - Epilogue


January 10, 3030 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 36 - 37
August 16, 3030 - Lethal Heritage - Prologue
September 30, 3030 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 38
October 8, 3030 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 39 - 40


January 15, 3031 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 41 - 42
June 10, 3031 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 43
June 18, 3031 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 44 - 45


January 5, 3033 - Commerce is All
February 14, 3033 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 46
August 18, 3033 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 47 - 48
September 21, 3033 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 49


January 2, 3034 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 50
March 14, 3034 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 51
May 6, 3034 - Close Quarters - Chapter 1; The Right Path (Sword & Dragon)
May 24, 3034 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 52 - 53
July 19, 3034 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 54
July 21, 3034 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 55
August 11, 3035 - Commitment


January 3, 3035 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 56
June 22, 3035 - Unspoken Truths (Sword & Dragon)


January 17, 3037 - Assumption of Risk - Prologue
February 4, 3037 - The Blood Snow (Historical - Brush Wars)
May 19, 3037 - Hard Luck Case
May 24, 3037 - Every Twelve Seconds
October 3, 3037 - Exodus Road - Prologue


December 28, 3038 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 57


3039 - Callie's Call
April 2, 3039 - Be Not Afraid of Greatness
April 4, 3039 - Fall of the Hammer
April 16, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 58
April 21, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 59
May 24, 3039 - Fighting Withdrawal (Total Warfare)
June, 3039 - Eight Nine Three
June 14, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 60
July 6, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 61
July 12, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 62
July 29, 3039 - Blitzernte
August 9, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 63
August 11, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 64
August 13, 3039 - The Harder They Fall (Historical - War of 3039)
October 2, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 65
October 31, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 66
December 12, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 67
December 14, 3039 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 68


January 9, 3040 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapters 69 - 70
June 18, 3040 - Heir to the Dragon - Chapter 71


January 22, 3041 - Growing Up
August, 3041 - Rules of Salvage


April 24, 3047 - Binding Force - First Interlude
July 19, 3047 - Close Quarters - Chapters 2 - 3


May 19, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 1 - 3
May 20, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 4
June 1, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 5
June 20, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 6
July 30, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 7
August 13, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 8
September 15, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 9
October 19, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 11
December 31, 3049 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 13


January 15, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 14
March 7, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 15
March 30, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 16
April 13, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 17
April 15, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 18
April 16, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 19
April 30, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 20
May 3, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 21 - 22
May 7, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 23
May 26, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 24
June 15, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 25
June 19, 3050 - Superior
July 7, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 26
July 12, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 27 - 28
July 17, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 29
July 21, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 30 - 31
August 30, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 32 - 33
August 31, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 34
September 10, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 35 - 37
October 2, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 38
October 31, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 39 - 41
November 10, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 42
November 15, 3050 - Lethal Heritage - Chapter 43


January 12, 3051 - Lethal Heritage - Chapters 44, Epilogue
January 15, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 1
January 31, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Prologue
February 2, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 2
February 5, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapters 3 - 6
February 28, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 7
March 5, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 8
March 8, 3051 - Binding Force - Second Interlude
March 15, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 9
April 2, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 10
April 6, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 11
April 27, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 12
May 17, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 13
June 1, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapters 14 - 15
June 2, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 16
June 19, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 17
July 3, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 18
July 21, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 19
July 22, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapters 20 - 21
August 5, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 22
September 17, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 23
September 21, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 24
September 23, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 25
October 15, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 26
October 30, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 27
November 16, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 28
November 20, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 29
November 21, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 30
November 22, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 31
November 27, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 32
December 10, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 33
December 25, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapters 34 - 35
December 26, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 36
December 31, 3051 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 37


January 5, 3052 - Blood Legacy - Chapters 38 - 44; Lost Destiny - Preface, Chapter 1
January 6, 3052 - Blood Legacy - Chapters 45 - 47
January 7, 3052 - Blood Legacy - Chapter 48
January 17, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 2
January 18, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 3 - 4
January 19, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 5
February 1, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 6
February 5, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 7
February 7, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 8
February 8, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 9 - 11
February 19, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 12
February 25, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 13 - 14
February 28, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 15
March 1, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 16
March 8, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 17
March 9, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 18
March 17, 3052 - Blood Legacy - Epilogue
March 20, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 19
March 21, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 20 - 21
April 2, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 22
April 5, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 23 - 24
April 9, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 25
April 12, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 26
April 17, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 27
April 20, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 28
May 1, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 29 - 31
May 2, 3052 - Exodus Road - Chapter 1
May 4, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 32
May 5, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 33
May 6, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapters 34 - 35
May 8, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 36
May 9, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 37
May 10, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 38
May 14, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 39
May 16, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 40
May 17, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 41
May 20, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 42
May 23, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 43
May 28, 3052 - Exodus Road - Chapter 2
May 30, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 44
June 6, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 45
June 10, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 46
June 13, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 47
June 16, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 48
June 17, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 49
June 20, 3052 - Lost Destiny - Chapter 50
June 32, 3052 - Chapter 15
July 3, 3052 - Exodus Road - Chapter 3
July 6, 3052 - Exodus Road - Chapter 4
July 14, 3052 - Exodus Road - Chapter 5
July 20, 3052 - Exodus Road - Chapter 6


3053 - Wolf Pack


February 15, 3054 - Natural Selection - Prologue
April 23, 3054 - Main Event - Chapters 1 - 3
April 25, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 4
April 27, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 5
May 19, 3054 - Ideal War - Chapters 1 - 2
August 2, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 6
August 3, 3054 - Main Event - Chapters 7 - 8
August 4, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 9
August 7, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 10
August 8, 3054 - Main Event - Chapters 11 - 12
August 9, 3054 - Main Event - Chapters 13 - 15
September 24, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 16
September 25, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 17
September 26, 3054 - Main Event - Chapters 18 - 19
November 10, 3054 - Exodus Road - Chapter 7
November 11, 3054 - Exodus Road - Chapter 8
November 14, 3054 - Exodus Road - Chapter 9
December 1, 3054 - Exodus Road - Chapter 10
December 7, 3054 - Exodus Road - Chapter 11
December 13, 3054 - Main Event - Chapters 20 - 21
December 14, 3054 - Main Event - Chapter 22


January 1, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapters 3 - 6
January 14, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 12
January 15, 3055 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 6
January 22, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapters 7 - 8
January 23, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapters 9 - 13
February 1, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 13
February 6, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapters 14 - 18
February 10, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 14
February 20, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapter 19
February 27, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapters 20 - 21
February 28, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapters 22 - 23
March 3, 3055 - Ideal War - Chapter 24
April 2, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 15
April 5, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 16
April 7, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 17
April 9, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 18
April 11, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 19
April 12, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 1
April 13, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 2
April 15, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 3 - 6
April 16, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 7 - 10
April 17, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 11 - 12
April 18, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 13
April 19, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 14
April 21, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 20
April 28, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 17
May 13, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 15
May 17, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 16
June 2, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 21
June 12, 3055 - Main Event - Chapters 23 - 24
June 13, 3055 - Main Event - Chapter 25
June 14, 3055 - Main Event - Chapter 26
June 15, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 18
June 19, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 19 - 20
June 20, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 21
June 21, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 22
June 26, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 23
June 27, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 24
July 10, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 25 - 26
July 14, 3055 - Main Event - Chapters 27 - 30
July 17, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 27
July 19, 3055 - Main Event - Chapters 31 - 33
July 30, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 28
August 3, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 29
August 17, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 30
August 20, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 31
August 22, 3055 - Memories of Fire & Ice at the Edge of the World
August 25, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 32 - 33
September 5, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 34
September 11, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 35 - 36
September 12, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 37
September 18, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 38
September 19, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 39
October 25, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapters 40 - 41
October 26, 3055 - Natural Selection - Chapter 42
November 13, 3055 - Natural Selection - Epilogue
November 15, 3055 - Exodus Road - Chapter 22
December 19, 3055 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 1 - 2
December 24, 3055 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 3 - 4
December 25, 3055 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 5


January 10, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 7
January 19, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 8
January 24, 3056 - Exodus Road - Chapter 23; Assumption of Risk - Chapter 9
January 25, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 10
January 30, 3056 - Exodus Road - Chapter 24
February 4, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 11
February 8, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 12
February 12, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 13 - 14
February 19, 3056 - Exodus Road - Chapters 25 - 27
March 12, 3056 - Exodus Road - Chapter 28
March 30, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 15
March 31, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapters 1 - 2; Assumption of Risk - Chapter 16
April 1, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapters 3 - 15; Assumption of Risk - Chapter 17
April 2, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapters 16 - 20
April 4, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapters 21 - 24
April 5, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapter 25
April 7, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapters 26 - 33; Assumption of Risk - Chapter 18
April 8, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 19
April 9, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 20 - 21
April 11, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapt8rs 34 - 42
April 12, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Chapter 43; Assumption of Risk - Chapter 23
April 13, 3056 - Blood of Heroes - Epilogue; Assumption of Risk - Chapter 24
April 16, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 25
April 17, 3056 - Tactics of Duty - Prologue
April 19, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 22, 26 - 27
April 20, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 28
April 23, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 29
April 24, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 30 - 32
April 25, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapter 33
April 27, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 34 - 36
April 29, 3056 - Assumption of Risk - Chapters 37 - 39
May 27, 3056 - Exodus Road - Chapter 29
June 30, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 4
August 27, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapters 5 - 9
September 2, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapters 10 - 13
September 3, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 14
September 4, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 15
September 5, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 16
September 6, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapters 17 - 18
September 7, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 19
September 21, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 20
September 22, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 21
September 23, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 22
October 1, 3056 - D.R.T. - Chapter 1
October 15, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapters 23 - 25; D.R.T. - Chapter 2
October 16, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 26
October 17, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 27
October 21, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapter 28
October 30, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapers 29 - 31; D.R.T. - Chapters 3 - 4
November 1, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapters 32 - 33
November 2, 3056 - Close Quarters - Chapters 34 - 41
November 7, 3056 - Far Country - Chapter 3
November 28, 3056 - D.R.T. - Chapter 5
December 24, 3056 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 1 - 4


February 16, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 6 - 7
February 17, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 8 - 9
February 20, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapter 10
February 28, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapter 11
March 1, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 12 - 13
March 10, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapters 1 - 5
March 15, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapter 14
March 18, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapters 6 - 8
March 19, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapters 9 - 10
March 29, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapter 15
March 31, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapter 11
April 1, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 1; Tactics of Duty - Chapters 12 - 17
April 2, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapter 18
April 3, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 2
April 5, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 3
April 7, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapter 19
April 8, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapter 20
April 13, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 4; Tactics of Duty - Chapters 21 - 23
April 14, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Chapter 24
April 15, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 5
April 16, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 6; Tactics of Duty - Chapters 25 - 29
April 18, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 7
April 21, 3057 - Tactics of Duty - Epilogue
April 26, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Prologue
April 30, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapters 8 - 9
May 1, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 10
May 5, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 11
May 7, 3057 - Pirates of Penance - Part 1
May 8, 3057 - Pirates of Penance - Part 2; Star Lord - Chapter 12
May 9, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapters 1 - 2
May 11, 3057 - Pirates of Penance - Part 3
May 13, 3057 - Pirates of Penance - Part 4; Operation Excalibur - Chapters 3 - 8
May 15, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapters 13 - 15
May 16, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapter 9; Star Lord - Chapter 16
May 17, 3057 - Pirates of Penance - Parts 6 - 8
May 18, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapters 10 - 11
May 20, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 1
May 21, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 2
May 22, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapters 17 - 18
May 23, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 19; Bred for War - Chapter 3
May 26, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 4
May 28, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 20
May 30, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 5
June 8, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapters 21 - 23
June 9, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 24
June 10, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 6
June 11, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapters 25 - 26
June 12, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 27
June 15, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 7
June 21, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 8
June 26, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 9
July 1, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 1 - 7; Bred for War - Chapter 10
July 4, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapters 11 - 13
July 7, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 8 - 10
July 8, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 28
July 11, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 29
July 13, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapters 30 - 32; I Am Jade Falcon - Chapter 11; D.R.T. - Chapter 16
July 14, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 33
July 15, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 14; D.R.T. - Chapter 17
July 20, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapter 12
July 21, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 15
July 24, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 13 - 14
July 25, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapter 18
July 27, 3057 - Sleight of Hand; D.R.T. - Chapter 19
July 28, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 20 - 23
July 29, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 24 - 25
July 30, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 26 - 27
August 1, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 15 - 16
August 2, 3057 - Binding Force - Third Interlude
August 4, 3057 - D.R.T. - Chapters 28 - 32
August 8, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 1; Bred for War - Chapter 16
August 9, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 1; Exodus Road - Chapter 30
August 10, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 2
August 16, 3057 - Star Lord - Chapter 34
August 17, 3057 - The Back Road
August 18, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 17
August 30, 3057 - Exodus Road - Chapter 31; Star Lord - Epilogue
September 1, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 2 - 3
September 11, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 4 - 5
September 12, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 6
September 14, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapters 18 - 19
September 16, 3057 - Castor's Last Stand; Bred for War - Chapters 20 - 21; Trial of Possession (Total Warfare)
September 17, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 7
September 18, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 8 - 9; Bred for War - Chapter 22
September 19, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 10; Bred for War - Chapter 23
September 21, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 11 - 12
September 22, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapters 12 - 14
September 23, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 15 - 16
September 24, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 17 - 20; Bred for War - Chapter 24
September 25, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 21
September 26, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapters 25 - 26
September 29, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 3; Highlander Gambit - Chapters 22 - 23
October 2, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 27
October 3, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapters 13 - 14
October 4, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapter 15; Highlander Gambit - Chapters 24 - 25
October 5, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 26 - 27; Bred for War - Chapter 28
October 6, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 28
October 10, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 29
October 11, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapters 29 - 31
October 12, 3057 - Race to the End
October 13, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 30
October 15, 3057 - Double Blind - Prologue; I Am Jade Falcon - Chapter 17
October 16, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 4
October 17, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 5; Highlander Gambit - Chapters 32 - 33
October 18, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 34
October 20, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 6; Djinn of Despair - Part 2; Highlander Gambit - Chapters 35 - 39; Bred for War - Chapter 31
October 23, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Part 7
October 24, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Parts 8 - 10
October 26, 3057 - Dragons of Despair - Parts 11 - 12
October 28, 3057 - Djinn of Despair - Parts 1 & 3 - 5
October 29, 3057 - Djinn of Despair - Parts 6 - 11
October 30, 3057 - Djinn of Despair - Part 12
November 1, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 40; I Am Jade Falcon - Chapter 18; Bred for War - Chapter 32
November 2, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapter 19
November 3, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 20 - 27
November 6, 3057 - Highlander Gambit - Chapter 41; D.R.T. - Epilogue
November 7, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 33
November 10, 3057 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 5 - 6
November 12, 3057 - Djinn of Despair - Part 13
November 15, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapters 16 - 17; I Am Jade Falcon - Chapter 28; Bred for War - Chapter 34
November 17, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapter 18
November 20, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 35
November 27, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 36
December 5, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 37
December 6, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 29 - 30
December 7, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Chapters 31 - 32; Bred for War - Chapter 38
December 9, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapter 39
December 10, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapters 40 - 43
December 11, 3057 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 1
December 12, 3057 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 2; Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 7 - 9
December 13, 3057 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 3 - 4; Operation Excalibur - Chapter 19; Bred for War - Chapter 44
December 14, 3057 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 5 - 6
December 15, 3057 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 7 - 8; Bred for War - Chapter 45
December 18, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapter 20; Bred for War - Chapter 46
December 19, 3057 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 10 - 12
December 20, 3057 - Bred for War - Chapters 47 - 50
December 21, 3057 - Operation Excalibur - Chapters 21 - 26; Bred for War - Chapter 52
December 25 - Bred for War - Chapters 53 - 54
December 27 - Bred for War - Chapter 55
December 31, 3057 - I Am Jade Falcon - Epilogue; Bred for War - Chapters 56 - 57


January 1, 3058 - Highlander Gambit - Epilogue; Bred for War - Chapter 58
January 2, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 9 - 10
January 3, 3058 - Operation Excalibur - Epilogue; Hearts of Chaos - Chapter 13
January 5, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 11
January 6, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 12
January 7, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 13
January 10, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 14
January 11, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapter 14
January 20, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 15
January 23, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 15 - 17
January 25, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapter 18
February 3, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 16
February 7, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapter 19
February 9, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 20 - 21
February 10, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 17
February 12, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 18 - 19
February 20, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 20
February 21, 3058 - Binding Force - Prologue
February 26, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapter 22
February 28, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 21
March 1, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 22 - 23
March 15, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 24
March 17, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 1
March 19, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapters 2 - 3
March 20, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 25; Double Blind - Chapter 4
March 27, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 5
March 29, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 6
March 30, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 26; Double Blind - Chapter 7
March 31, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapter 23
April 2, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 27
April 5, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 28
April 10, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 29
April 13, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 8
April 15, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 30; Double Blind - Chapter 9
April 18, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 24 - 25
April 19, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 31
April 21, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 32
April 23, 3058 - Hearts of Chaos - Chapters 26 - 31, Epilogue; Exodus Road - Chapter 32
April 24, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 10
April 30, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 33; Impetus of War - Prologue
May 1, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 1
May 2, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 2
May 4, 3058 - Exodus Road - Chapter 33
May 9, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 11
May 11, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 12
May 12, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 34
May 13, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 3
May 14, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 4
May 15, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 5
May 18, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapters 13 - 16
May 19, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 35; Double Blind - Chapters 17 - 18
May 22, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapters 19 - 20
May 24, 3058 - Exodus Road - Chapter 34; Double Blind - Chapter 21
May 25, 3058 - Exodus Road - Chapter 35
May 30, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 36
June 2, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 6 - 7
June 5, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 37
June 10, 3058 - Black Dragon - Prologue
June 12, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 38
June 15, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 39
June 16, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapters 40 - 42
June 17, 3058 - Malicious Intent - Chapter 43
June 18, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 1 - 3; Freebirth - Chapters 1 - 5
June 20, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 4 - 5
June 21, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapter 6
June 22, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapter 7
June 23, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 8 - 9
June 24, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 10 - 13
June 25, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 14 - 15
June 26, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 16 - 17
June 27, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 18 - 21
June 28, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 22 - 23; Double Blind - Chapters 22 - 25
June 29, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 8; Double Blind - Chapters 26 - 29
July 1, 3058 - Black Dragon - Chapters 24 - 33; Double Blind - Chapter 30, 32
July 3, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 9 - 15; Double Blind - Chapter 31
July 4, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 16 - 17; Double Blind - Chapter 33
July 5, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 18 - 21; Double Blind - Chapter 34
July 6, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 22
July 7, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 35
July 8, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 23 - 24; Double Blind - Chapter 36
July 9, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 25
July 10, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 26 - 27; Binding Force - Chapters 1 - 3; Double Blind - Chapter 37
July 11, 3058 - Binding Force - Chapters 4 - 6; Double Blind - Chapters 38 - 42
July 13, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 28 - 30; Double Blind - Chapter 43
July 17, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 31 - 34
July 18, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 35
July 19, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 36; Binding Force - Chapter 7
July 20, 3058 - Great Gaffa's Ghost; Binding Force - Chapters 8 - 14
July 22, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 37; Binding Force - Chapter 15
July 23, 3058 - Binding Force - Chapters 16 - 18
July 24, 3058 - Binding Force - Chapters 19 - 22
July 25, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 38 - 43; Binding Force - Chapters 23 - 25
July 26, 3058 - Binding Force - Chapters 26 - 27
July 27, 3058 - Binding Force - Chapters 28 - 29
July 29, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 44
August 2, 3058 - Double Blind - Chapter 44
August 4, 3058 - Binding Force - Chapter 30
August 6, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapter 45
August 8, 3058 - Impetus of War - Chapters 46 - 48
August 9, 3058 - Impetus of War - Epilogue; Binding Force - Epilogue
August 12, 3058 - The Hunters - Chapter 1
August 22, 3058 - The Hunters - Chapter 2
August 27, 3058 - Double Blind - Epilogue
September 30, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapters 1 - 2
October 1, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapters 3 - 5
October 3, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapters 6 - 8
October 4, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 9
October 5, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 10
October 8, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 11
October 9, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 12
October 12, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapters 13 - 14
October 27, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 15
November 5, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 16
November 14, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 17; Exodus Road - Chapter 36
November 15, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 18; Exodus Road - Epilogue
November 16, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 19
November 19, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 20
November 21, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 21
November 22, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 22
November 23, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 23
December 14, 3058 - The Hunters - Chapter 3
December 15, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 24; The Hunters - Chapters 4 - 5
December 29, 3058 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 25


3059 - The Call of Glory
January 1, 3059 - Under the Shadows of Stars
January 3, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 26
January 5, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapters 27 - 28; The Hunters - Chapter 6
January 7, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 29
January 15, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 1 - 2
January 27, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapter 7
February 14, 3059 - Roar of Honor - Prologue
February 18, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapters 8 - 9
February 22, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapters 10 - 11
February 25, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 4 - 6
February 26, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 3, 7
March 16, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 6; By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 8 - 9
March 21, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapters 7 - 10
March 23, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 10 - 11
March 26, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 12
March 31, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 13
April 2, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 14
April 4, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 15 - 16
April 5, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapters 11 - 12
April 12, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 13; By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 17
April 13, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapters 14 - 19
April 15, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 20
April 16, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 18 - 19
April 22, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapters 21 - 24
April 23, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 25
April 25, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapters 12 - 13
May 1, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 26; The Hunters - Chapter 14
May 2, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 27
May 5, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapter 28
May 9, 3059 - Freebirth - Chapters 29 - 37
May 13, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 30
May 18, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 20
May 19, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 21 - 24
May 27, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 31
May 28, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapter 25
May 30, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 32
June 16, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Chapters 26 - 28
June 29, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 33; The Hunters - Chapters 15 - 16
July 1, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 34
July 19, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapter 17
July 27, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 35
August 4, 3059 - Occum's Choice
August 5, 3059 - By Blood Betrayed - Epilogue
August 13, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Chapter 36
August 17, 3059 - Playing Outside
September 1, 3059 - Grave Covenant - Epilogue
September 21, 3059 - Illusions of Victory - Prelude
November 16, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapters 18 - 20
November 17, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapter 21
December 15, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapters 22 - 27
December 16, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapter 28
December 28, 3059 - Falcon Rising - Prologue
December 30, 3059 - The Hunters - Chapter 29
December 31, 3059 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 1


January 2, 3060 - The Hunters - Chapter 30
January 3, 3060 - The Hunters - Chapter 31; Falcon Rising - Chapters 2 - 4; Sword and Fire - Chapters 1 - 2
January 10, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 3
January 11, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 4
January 15, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 5
January 17, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 5
January 19, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 6
January 22, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 7
January 23, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapters 8 - 9
January 24, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 10
January 28, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 6
January 30, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 7
January 31, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 8
February 2, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 9
February 4, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 10
February 13, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 11
February 18, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 12
February 19, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapters 13 - 14; Sword and Fire - Chapters 11 - 14
February 26, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 15
February 27, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 16
February 28, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 17
March 1, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapters 18 - 19
March 2, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 15
March 3, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Prologue
March 5, 3060 - Sword and Fire - Chapter 16
March 6, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 20
March 12, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 21; Sword and Fire - Chapters 17 - 23
March 13, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapter 1; Falcon Rising - Chapters 22 - 24; Sword and Fire - Chapter 24
March 14, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapter 2
March 15, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 3 - 4
March 19, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 5 - 7; Falcon Rising - Chapter 25
March 26, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 8 - 11
March 27, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 12 - 13
March 28, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 14 - 15; Flashpoint - Legacy
March 29, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 16 - 22
March 30, 3060 - Shadows of War - Chapters 23 - 24
April 8, 3060 - Measure of a Hero - Prologue
April 9, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapters 1 - 2; Shadows of War - Epilogue
April 10, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 3
April 11, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapters 1 - 10
April 12, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 4; Ghost of Winter - Chapters 11 - 12
April 14, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapter 13
April 16, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapters 14 - 17
April 17, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapter 18
April 18, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 5
April 19, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 6
April 20, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapter 19
April 22, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapters 20 - 22
April 23, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapters 7 - 14; Ghost of Winter - Chapters 23 - 27
April 24, 3060 - Ghost of Winter - Chapter 28
April 25, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 15
April 28, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Parts 1 - 2; All Alone in the Dust
April 29, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Part 3
April 30, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Part 4
May 1, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Part 5
May 2, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Part 6; Ghost of Winter - Chapter 29
May 5, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Parts 7 - 8
May 6, 3060 - Trial Under Fire - Parts 9 - 10; Falcon Rising - Chapter 26
May 7, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 27
May 8, 3060 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 28
May 13, 3060 - Path of Glory - Prologue
June 25, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 1
July 18, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 16
August 8, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapters 2 - 3
August 10, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 4
August 15, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 17
August 23, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 5
August 28, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 6
September 11, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 7
September 13, 3060 - Proper Work (Total Warfare)
September 15, 3060 - Angels on our Shoulders (Total Warfare)
September 18, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 8
September 26, 3060 - The Moral Law - Parts 1 - 3; Threads of Ambition - Chapter 9
September 29, 3060 - Heaven - Part 1
September 30, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 18
October 2, 3060 - Heaven - Part 2
October 6, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 10
October 9, 3060 - Earth - Part 1
October 10, 3060 - Earth - Part 2
October 15, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 11
October 20, 3060 - The Commander - Part 1
October 21, 3060 - The Commander - Part 2
October 26, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 12
November 1, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 19
November 3, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 13
November 9, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 14
November 12, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 15; Method and Discipline
November 27, 3060 - Prince of Havoc - Chapters 20 - 21
December 1, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 16
December 9, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 17
December 19, 3060 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 18


January 5, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 19
January 17, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 20
January 27, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 21
February 7, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 22
February 20, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 23
February 26, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 24
March 13, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 25
March 15, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapters 22 - 23
March 16, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 24
March 22, 3061 - Strange Bedfellows
March 23, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 26
April 1, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 27
April 2, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 25
April 16, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 26
April 18, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 28
April 24, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 29
May 8, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 30
May 28, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 31
June 3, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Chapter 32
June 4, 3061 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 30
June 12, 3061 - Path of Glory - Chapter 1
June 13, 3061 - Path of Glory - Chapter 2; Threads of Ambition - Chapter 33
June 27, 3061 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 31
July 1, 3061 - Threads of Ambition - Epilogue; Falcon Rising - Chapters 32 - 36
July 2, 3061 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 37
July 6, 3061 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 38
July 15, 3061 - Dagger Point - Chapter 1
July 29, 3061 - Falcon Rising - Chapter 39
September 1, 3061 - Dagger Point - Chapter 2
September 3, 3061 - Dagger Point - Chapters 3 - 4
October 1, 3061 - Dagger Point - Chapter 6
October 14, 3061 - Dagger Point - Chapter 5
November 1, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 27
November 3, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapter 28
November 5, 3061 - Prince of Havoc - Chapters 29 - 30
November 17, 3061 - Tears of Blood - Part 1
November 26, 3061 - Initiation to War - Chapters 1 - 3
November 27, 3061 - Initiation to War - Chapter 4
December 5, 3061 - Test of Vengeance - Prologue
December 6, 3061 - Initiation to War - Chapters 5 - 6
December 7, 3061 - Initiation to War - Chapters 7 - 8
December 8, 3061 - Initiation to War - Chapters 9
December 19, 3061 - Tears of Blood - Parts 2 - 3
December 25, 3061 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapters 1 - 3
December 27, 3061 - Initiation to War - Chapter 10


January 2, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 1
January 5, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapters 11 - 12
January 6, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapters 13 - 14
January 12, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 2
January 13, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 15
January 14, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 3
January 16, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapters 4 - 5
January 20, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapters 7 - 8
January 22, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 9
January 27, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 10
January 30, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 6
February 4, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 11
February 7, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 12
February 9, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapters 13 - 14
February 10, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapters 15 - 16
February 13, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 4; Roar of Honor - Chapter 7; Initiation to War - Chapter 16
February 16, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 17
February 17, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 18; Roar of Honor - Chapter 8
February 20, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 17
February 21, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Prologue
February 22, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 19; Initiation to War - Chapter 18
February 23, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 19
February 24, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 20
February 25, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 1; Initiation to War - Chapters 21 - 25
February 26, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 26
February 27, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 27
February 28, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 9
March 1, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 20
March 5, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapters 21 - 23; The Killing Fields - Chapter 2; Roar of Honor - Chapters 10 - 12
March 12, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 24; The Killing Fields - Chapter 3
March 14, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 25; Roar of Honor - Chapter 13; Initiation to War - Chapters 28 - 30
March 15, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 14
March 16, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 15
March 17, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapter 26
March 18, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 4; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 5; Initiation to War - Chapter 31
March 19, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 16
March 20, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 17
March 22, 3062 - Dagger Point - Chapters 27 - 29
March 25, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 18
March 27, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 19
March 28, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 5
April 1, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapter 20
April 2, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapters 21 - 22
April 3, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 6
April 5, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 32
April 10, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 7
April 14, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 8
April 18, 3062 - Falcon Rising - Epilogue
April 19, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapters 23 - 24; Initiation to War - Chapters 33 - 34
April 21, 3062 - Roar of Honor - Chapters 25 - 28
April 22, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 9
April 24, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 10
April 29, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 11
May 2, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapters 12 - 13
May 3, 3062 - Initiation to War - Chapter 35
May 6, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 14; Initiation to War - Chapters 36 - 39
May 12, 3062 - To Serve the Dragon - Part 1
May 18, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 15
May 21, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 6
May 22, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 16
May 24, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 7
May 26, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 8
June 4, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 17
June 9, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 18
June 11, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 19
June 19, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 20
June 24, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 21
July 2, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 22
July 4, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 23
July 5, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapters 3 - 4
July 9, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 5
July 12, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 24
July 13, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 9
July 17, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapters 25 - 26
July 31, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 27
August 1, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapters 6 - 7; By the Numbers (Classic Battletech RPG)
August 5, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 8
August 6, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 28
August 10, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapter 1
August 11, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 9
August 12, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapters 2 - 3
August 13, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapter 4
August 14, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapters 5 - 7
August 15, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapters 8 - 11; The Killing Fields - Chapters 29 - 30
August 16, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapters 12 - 13
August 17, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapters 14 - 16
August 19, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapter 17
August 21, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapters 10 - 11; Illusions of Victory - Chapter 18; The Killing Fields - Chapter 31; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 10
August 22, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapters 19 - 24
August 24, 3062 - Tears of Blood - Parts 4 - 5; The Killing Fields - Chapter 32
August 25, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Chapter 25
August 27, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 11
August 31, 3062 - Illusions of Victory - Epilogue
September 1, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapters 12 - 13
September 6, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 33
September 14, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 14
September 15, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 15; The Killing Fields - Chapter 34
September 17, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapters 16 - 18
September 18, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 19
September 19, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 35
September 20, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 20
September 22, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 21
September 24, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 36
September 27, 3062 - The Killing Fields - Chapter 37
September 28, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 22
September 30, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 23
October 1, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapters 24 - 26
October 2, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 27; The Killing Fields - Epilogue
October 8, 3062 - Flashpoint - Chapter 1
October 11, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 12
October 13, 3062 - Flashpoint - Chapter 2
October 18, 3062 - Path of Glory - Chapter 28; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 13
October 19, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 1
October 20, 3062 - Flashpoint - Chapter 3
October 23, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 1
October 24, 3063 - Flashpoint - Chapters 4 - 5
October 27, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 2
October 28, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 3
October 29, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 4
October 30, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 5
November 1, 3062 - Tears of Blood - Parts 6 - 7; Path of Glory - Chapter 29; Measure of a Hero - Chapter 2
November 2, 3062 - The Immortal Warrior at the Battle of Vorhaven; Flashpoint - Chapter 6
November 3, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 14
November 6, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 3
November 8, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 15
November 9, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapters 4 - 5
November 11, 3062 - Flashpoint - Chapters 7 - 8
November 12, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 6
November 14, 3062 - Of War and Peace and Cherry Trees - Part 1
November 16, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 7; Flashpoint - Chapters 9 - 12
November 17, 3062 - Of War and Peace and Cherry Trees - Part 2
November 18, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapters 6 - 8
November 19, 3062 - Flashpoint - Chapter 13
November 22, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 9; Flashpoint - Chapters 14 - 16
November 24, 3062 - Flashpoint - Chapters 17 - 19
November 25, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 10
November 26, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 8
November 28, 3062 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 16; Test of Vengeance - Chapter 11; Flashpoint - Chapter 20
November 29, 3062 - Bushido and the Bear; Flashpoint - Chapters 21 - 22
November 30, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 9
December 2, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapters 12 - 14; Flashpoint - Chapter 23
December 4, 3063 - Flashpoint - Chapter 24
December 5, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 10; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 17
December 6, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 11; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 18
December 7, 3062 - McKenna Station; Flashpoint - Chapters 25 - 30
December 8, 3062 - Vole; Measure of a Hero - Chapter 12; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 19
December 10, 3062 - Flashpoint - Progeny
December 12, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 13; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 20
December 14, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 15
December 15, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 14
December 20, 3062 - Path of Glory - Epilogue
December 23, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 15
December 24, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 16
December 26, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 16
December 27, 3062 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 17
December 28, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 17
December 29, 3062 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 18


January 2, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 19
January 6, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 20
January 7, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 21
January 8, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 22
January 11, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 23
January 13, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 24
January 17, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 21
January 22, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 25
January 23, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 26
January 24, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 22
February 2, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 27
February 3, 3063 - Call of Duty - Prologue; Hunter or Hunted - Part 1
February 4, 3063 - Hunter or Hunted (Parts 2 - 3)
February 6, 3063 - Hunter or Hunted (Part 4)
February 8, 3063 - Hunter or Hunted (Part 5)
February 9, 3063 - Measure of a Hero - Chapter 28
Feburary 11, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapters 1 - 2; Hunter or Hunted (Part 6)
February 12, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 3
February 27, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 23
March 9, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 24
March 14, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 4
April 11, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 5
April 15, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 6
April 16, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapters 7 - 9
April 17, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 10
April 18, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapters 11 - 13
April 19, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 14
April 21, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 15
April 23, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 16
April 24, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 25
April 26, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chatper 17
April 27, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 18
April 29, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 19
May 1, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 20; Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 26
May 2, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapters 21 - 22
May 3, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 23
May 4, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapters 24 - 27
May 6, 3063 - Call of Duty - Chapter 28
May 7, 3063 - Call of Duty - Epilogue
May 13, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 27
June 6, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 18
July 9, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 28
August 3, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapters 19 - 20
August 5, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 21
August 15, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapters 22 - 23
August 16, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 24
September 2, 3063 - The Price of Conviction
September 6, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 25
September 13, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 29
September 16, 3063 - Pitcairn Star
October 9, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 30
October 15, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 26
October 21, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 31
October 25, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 27
October 31, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 28
November 17, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapters 29 - 30
November 18, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapters 31 - 32
November 19, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 33
November 20, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 34
November 22, 3063 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 35
November 28, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 32
December 12, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Chapter 33
December 20, 3063 - Patriots and Tyrants - Epilogue; Test of Vengeance - Chapter 36


February 8, 3064 - Freak Show
March 6, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 1
March 13, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 2
March 14, 3064 - Lion's Roar - Part 1
March 15, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 3
April 1, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Alternate Chapter Six
April 5, 3064 - Lion's Roar - Part 2
May 5, 3064 - Old Legends Never Die
May 12, 3064 - Ants
May 14, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 4
May 17, 3064 - Lion's Roar - Part 3
May 20, 3064 - Test of Vengeance - Chapter 37
May 23, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Prologue; Storms of Fate - Chapters 5 - 6
May 24, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 7
June 4, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 8
June 11, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 9
June 15, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 1
June 23, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 10
July 6, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 2
July 16, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 11
July 24, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 12
July 30, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 3
August 7, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 4
August 12, 3064 - Test of Vengeance - Epilogue
August 13, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 5
August 15, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 6; Chiaroscuro (Total Warfare)
August 16, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 7
August 25, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 8
August 26, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 13
August 29, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapters 9 - 10
August 30, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 11
August 31, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 12
September 9, 3064 - Damage Control
September 11, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 14
September 17, 3064 - Magician
October 3, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 13
October 4, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 14
October 14, 3064 -
Последний раз редактировалось DeJaVu 26 апр 2008, 22:48, всего редактировалось 1 раз.


Re: Хронология худлита и новелл корпса!!!

Сообщение M. Torsson » 24 июл 2007, 16:51

DeJaVu писал(а):May 22, 3065 - The Dying

События, я так понял не все, как и книги. А какова оффициальная дата смерти "Классики" и начала дурковых сказочек - не в 130х ли?
Погоди-те ка, вторая половина 60ых - начало Джихада, а когда он оффициально завершился?
Насколько я понял, получается, что между 70ми и 130ми годами в худлите разрыв?
Аватара пользователя
M. Torsson
Почетный Читатель Библиотеки
Сообщения: 91
Зарегистрирован: 12 июл 2007, 18:18
Откуда: Казахстан, Акмолинская обл.
Благодарил (а): 0 раз.
Поблагодарили: 0 раз.

Сообщение Scorpion Dog » 25 июл 2007, 17:07

Если мне не изменяет память, то Терру взяли, или освободили в 3081 году.

Изданный на англ. языке в бумажном виде худлит доходит до 3067 года (окончание Гражданской войны).
Линия классического БТ сейчас дошла до начала 3072 (скоро выйдет очередное продолжение).
И вряд ли худлит на cbt опережает официальные материалы.

ДА начинается в 130-х с выходом из строя 80% ГИГ станций.
Кстати, gj ДА можно играть и в классику, они совместимы.

Разрыв между ними заполняется и будет заполнятся лет 20 :)

А что касается конца этой хронологии, то похоже, что в форум не влез файл.
Слава Слоноликому, взметывающему похлопыванием ушей пыльцу камфары, от которой, словно от преждевременно опустившихся сумерек, розовеют небеса.
Аватара пользователя
Scorpion Dog
Переводчик Библиотеки Battletech
Сообщения: 1077
Зарегистрирован: 06 июл 2007, 16:30
Откуда: Москва
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Награды: 4
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Сообщение M. Torsson » 25 июл 2007, 21:32

Scorpion Dog писал(а):А что касается конца этой хронологии, то похоже, что в форум не влез файл.

...Вона как...
Ну тады, конечно, просьба к Товарищам Библиотекарям - скорее создать новый топ - хочется узнать - чего было дальше...
Аватара пользователя
M. Torsson
Почетный Читатель Библиотеки
Сообщения: 91
Зарегистрирован: 12 июл 2007, 18:18
Откуда: Казахстан, Акмолинская обл.
Благодарил (а): 0 раз.
Поблагодарили: 0 раз.

Сообщение Kuzja » 12 сен 2007, 21:36

Спасибо огромное за этот титанический труд!!! А можно мне копию файла? Я попробую в экселе сделать картинку красивую по этому поводу.
Сообщения: 17
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2007, 05:31
Благодарил (а): 0 раз.
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Сообщение Leonid » 12 сен 2007, 21:51

copy-paste... И никакой проблемы.
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Администрация btbooks.ru
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Зарегистрирован: 21 мар 2007, 12:22
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Сообщение Kuzja » 12 сен 2007, 22:00

Ок. просто вроде Скорпион говорит, что он здесь неполный...
Сообщения: 17
Зарегистрирован: 12 сен 2007, 05:31
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Сообщение DeJaVu » 12 сен 2007, 22:12

Да, неполный. Вот например Вариант "Белый" - 3068 года, последнее про Драгун и т.д.


Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 апр 2008, 22:49

Вроде бы самый полный список на данный момент!!!


Сообщение DeJaVu » 26 апр 2008, 22:53

October 14, 3064 - A Test of Faith
October 17, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapters 15 - 16
October 26, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 17
October 28, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 18
October 30, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 19
November 1, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 20
November 3, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 21
November 4, 3064 - Imminent Crisis - Prologue; Storms of Fate - Chapter 15
November 6, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 22; Storms of Fate - Chapter 17
November 7, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 16
November 10, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 18
November 11, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapters 19 - 20
November 14, 3064 - Storms of Fate - Chapters 21 - 22
November 24, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 23
December 12, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 24
December 16, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 25
December 19, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 26
December 21, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 27
December 24, 3064 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 28


3065 - Left Side of Sanity
January 7, 3065 - Ghosts of Hesperus
January 8, 3065 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 23
January 27, 3065 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 24
February 3, 3065 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 25
February 6, 3065 - Storms of Fate - Chapter 26
February 21, 3065 - Birch's Charge; Poison; Storms of Fate - Chapters 27 - 30
February 27, 3065 - Operation Audacity - Chapter 29, Epilogue
April 7, 3065 - Art of the Deal
April 8, 3065 - Storms of Fate - Epilogue
April 11, 3065 - Back End of Nowhere
April 16, 3065 - The Dying Time - Prologue
April 27, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 1
May 19, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 2
May 22, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 1
May 25, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 2
June 3, 3065 - Ambrosia
June 5, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 3
June 14, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 3
June 15, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 4
June 16, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 5
June 22, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapters 6 - 7
June 23, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 8
June 25, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 9
June 26, 3065 - Endgame - Chapter 1
June 28, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapters 10 - 15
June 30, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapters 16 - 17
July 1, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapters 18 - 24
July 2, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 25
July 3, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 26
July 4, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 27
July 5, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 28
July 8, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 29
July 10, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 30
July 12, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapter 31
July 18, 3065 - The Dying Time - Chapters 32 - 33
July 20, 3065 - Final Game
July 21, 3065 - Endgame - Chapter 2
July 22, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 4
July 28, 3065 - Endgame - Chapter 3
August 12, 3065 - Endgame - Chapter 4
August 23, 3065 - Personal Best; Endgame - Chapter 5
August 25, 3065 - The Dying Time - Epilogue
September 2, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 5
September 8, 3065 - Endgame - Chapter 6
September 20, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapters 6 - 7
October 7, 3065 - En Passant; Endgame - Chapter 7
October 9, 3065 - Epaulet Mate
October 10, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 8
October 32, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapters 9 - 10
November 2, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapters 11 - 13
November 9, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 14
November 15, 3065 - Cockroaches
November 20, 3065 - Endgame - Chapter 8
November 29, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 15
December 11, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 16
December 28, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 17
December 31, 3065 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 18


January 21, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 19
January 24, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 9
January 25, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 20
February 6, 3066 - Red Khopesh
February 12, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 21
February 22, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 22
February 27, 3066 - Bitter Taste of Hope - Part 1
February 28, 3066 - Bitter Taste of Hope - Part 2
March 16, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 23
March 22, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 10
April 1, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 24
April 4, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 11
April 19, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 12
April 26, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 25
May 1, 3066 - Mirage
May 13, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 13
May 14, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 26
May 16, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapters 27 - 29
May 24, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Chapter 30
May 29, 3066 - Imminent Crisis - Epilogue
June 5, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 14
July 6, 3066 - Echoes in the Void
July 10, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 15
July 15, 3066 - Surkai
July 23, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 16
August 8, 3066 - Mantises
August 18, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 17
August 24, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 18
September 7, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 19
September 27, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 20
October 10, 3066 - Decision at Acamar
October 13, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 21
October 24, 3066 - The Laws of Motion
November 15, 3066 - Gravity Poisoning; Endgame - Chapter 22
November 18, 3066 - Crossroads at Outreach
November 20, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 23
December 1, 3066 - Titanium Rose
December 15, 3066 - Two 'Mechs, Three Queens, and a Pug
December 28, 3066 - Endgame - Chapter 24
December 29, 3066 - The Longest Road


3067 - A Time of War (Total Warfare); Battle Armor Basics (Tech Manual)
January 19, 3067 - Endgame - Chapter 25
February 3, 3067 - The Gulf of Reason
February 11, 3067 - Determination at Wallis
February 16, 3067 - Grand Masters
February 17, 3067 - Endgame - Chapter 26
March, 3067 - For Want of a Nail
March 23, 3067 - Endgame - Chapter 27
March 28, 3067 - Endgame - Chapter 28
March 30, 3067 - Rock in a Hard Place
April 2, 3067 - Endgame - Chapter 29
April 4, 3067 - Mutual Advantages (Total Warfare)
April 8, 3067 - The Pirate Hunt
April 15, 3067 - Isolation's Weight
April 20, 3067 - Endgame - Chapters 30 - 31
April 24, 3067 - Endgame - Chapter 32; The Hunt for Jardine (Chapter 1)
May 4, 3067 - Encounter at El Giza
May 8, 3067 - Nostradamus Predicts End of Inner Sphere - in 3067! (News)
May 13, 3067 - Pack Hunters; The Hunt for Jardine (Prologue)
May 15, 3067 - Victor-Omi Love Child Hidden on Tukayyid! (News)
May 20, 3067 - Guy Walks Into a Bar
May 22, 3067 - Lyons Massacre Cover-Up Revealed! (News)
May 29, 3067 - Caught on Vid - Immortal Warrior Star's Wild KZ Party on Skye! (News)
June 6, 3067 - Dog Soldiers - Part 1
June 12, 3067 - Revealed - Morgan and Candace Love Nest on Warlock! (News)
June 19, 3067 - Celebrity Leader Stress-Relief Techniques Revealed! (News)
June 26, 3067 - Davion Scientists Unlock Gates of Hell on New Syrtis! (News)
July 1, 3067 - The Illusion of Power (Interstellar Players)
July 3, 3067 - Pledges of Allegiance
July 5, 3067 - Gambit at Noisiel - Part 1; Galactic Insinuator Interviews God! (News)
July 12, 3067 - Isis Marik Speaks! (News)
July 19, 3067 - Jaime Wolf is a Vampire! (News)
July 26, 3067 - Kali Liao Secretly Weds! (News)
July 29, 3067 - The Hunt for Jardine (Chapter 2)
July 30, 3067 - Gambit at Noisiel - Part 2
August 2, 3067 - Lost Lyran Flagship a Modern 'Flying Duchman' (News)
August 9, 3067 - NAIS Creating Army of Bat Boy Clones (News)
August 15, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 1
August 16, 3067 - Planet Wyatt Disappears During Eclipse! (News)
August 18, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 2; The Mechanized Battlefield (Tech Manual)
August 23, 3067 - Renegade Combine Sect May Hope to Shatter League, Coordinator (News)
August 26, 3067 - Endgame - Epilogue
Fall, 3067 - Hot Products of 3067 (Tech Manual)
September 1, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Parts 3 - 4; Animals (Handbook - House Davion); Duffy Perishes in Gale (News); Highlander Deaths - Accident or Conspiracy (News)
September 2, 3067 - Endgame at Engadine - Part 1
September 8, 3067 - Wolf's Dragoons Breeds Army From Genes of House Lords! (News)
September 9, 3067 - Dog Soldiers - Part 2
September 10, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 5
September 11, 3067 - Old Debts (FM:Mercenaries Supplemental)
September 12, 3067 - Shadows of Faith - Part 1
September 14, 3067 - The Hunt for Jardine (Chapter 3)
September 15, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 6; Parting Shots (Field Manual: Mercenaries - Revised)
September 24, 3067 - Heavy Metal Mayhem
September 28, 3067 - Sound and Fury
September 30, 3067 - AMC Forces Attack Keid (News)
October 5, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 7
October 7, 3067 - The Circle (Total Warfare)
October 10, 3067 - Free At Last (Mercenaries Supplemental II)
October 13, 3067 - Baranov Still Missing, Presumed Dead (News); The Hunt for Jardine (Chapter 4)
October 14, 3067 - Endgame at Engadine - Part 2; Hit Fast, Hit Hard
October 15, 3067 - A Line in the Dust
October 16, 3067 - The Hunt for Jardine (Chapter 5)
October 17, 3067 - Families (Handbook - House Marik)
October 20, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 8
October 21, 3067 - Dragoons Break Contract! (News)
October 28, 3067 - Blackwell VP to Honor 'Mercenary Heroes'
October 31, 3067 - Shadows of Faith - Part 2
November 1, 3067 - Glory March (Field Manual: Updates)
November 8, 3067 - For the Love of Blake
November 10, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 9
November 14, 3067 - Shadows of Faith - Part 3
November 15, 3067 - A Distant Thunder - Parts 1 - 2; Project: Protomechs (Tech Manual)
November 22, 3067 - The Last Full Measure
November 27, 3067 - Black Mist Rising - Part 10; Shadows of Faith - Parts 4 - 6
November 28, 3067 - Shadows of Faith - Part 7
December 1, 3067 - Mystery Ships Spotted in Tharkad System (News)
December 2, 3067 - Advantage and Opportunity (Handbook House Steiner)
December 9, 3067 - The Last Day of Zeta
December 18, 3067 - Word of Blake Ships Destroy Highlander JumpShips (News)
December 19, 3067 - New Avalon Defenders Hold Line, Cripple Blake Flagship (News)
December 21, 3067 - Blake WarShips Assault Outreach (News)
December 23, 3067 - Blakists Kill Thousands on Styk (News)
December 27, 3067 - Brinton Still Under Quarantine (News)
December 31, 3067 - Tall Trees Overrrun! (News)


January 3, 3068 - The Line
January 4, 3068 - Word of Blake Seizes Epsilon Indi, Fletcher (News)
January 6, 3068 - Eye of the Beholder
January 7, 3068 - What Really Happened - The Legend Killer (News)
January 11, 3068 - AMC Defends Liberty (News)
January 26, 3068 - Mystery Ships Attack Tukayyid (News)
February 3, 3068 - TUKAYYID NUKED! (News)
February 4, 3068 - Dog Soldiers - Parts 3 - 4
February 6, 3068 - Convergence at Khon Kaen
February 10, 3068 - Private Log Found! (News)
February 12, 3068 - AMC 'Rudderless' Say Officials (News)
February 13, 3068 - Skye Declares War on League (News)
February 24, 3068 - Mystery Ships Battle in Nusakan System (News)
March 10, 3068 - Victor Steiner-Davion Missing (News)
March 12, 3068 - By the Sword; The Breaking of Chemical Bonds; Monster
March 13, 3068 - A Loyal Son of Terra; Alpha; Stars in the Time of Dreaming; Voice of the Resistance; Under the Old Oak Tree; Office Politics
March 14, 3068 - To Serve and Protect
March 15, 3068 - Backroads at Night; A Smaller Sacrifice
March 17, 3068 - Omega, The Good Fight; Aerotechnology (Tech Manual)
March 20, 3068 - A Soldier Without Hope
March 31, 3068 - Lyran Troops Attacking Thermopolis (News)
April 16, 3068 - Mercenaries Evacuate ISF Head From Dieron (News)
April 20, 3068 - As War Spreads, IE Emerges as Unlikely Employer (News)
May 8, 3068 - Other Perspectives
June 21, 3068 - Just Another Day at the Office (Total Warfare)
June 23, 3068 - Stalking the Legends (TR: Project Phoenix)
July 5, 3068 - Toil and Trouble; Blakist Forces Employ WMDs on Altair, Yorii (News)
July 8, 3068 - Davion Troops Pillage WMD Cemetery on Tsingtao (News)
July 15, 3068 - Official - FWL Admiralty 'Under Scrutiny' (News)
August 12, 3068 - Arboris, Caph, Capolla Join Word (News)
August 13, 3068 - Boot Camp Basics (Total Warfare)
August 16, 3068 - Mysterious Forces Battle Mercs, Falcons on Tomans (News)
August 23, 3068 - Theodore Kurita 'Incapacitated', Minamoto Assumes Command (News)
September 9, 3068 - Blakist Shock Troops Kill Millions on Genoa (News)
September 10, 3068 - Morningstar, Daybreak Fandango
September 11, 3068 - Evening Tango, Crescent Moon
September 12, 3068 - Blake's Boys Blessing in Boone Borough (News); Steiner Lines 'Broken' Says Brett Aide (News)
September 21, 3068 - Combine Forces Assault March Worlds Without Provocation (News)
October 4, 3068 - The Shaded Light
October 12, 3068 - The Dragon of Caph
October 14, 3068 - Knights, Legionnaires Retreat, But Others Fight On (News)
October 20, 3068 - The Future of the MRBC (News)
October 25, 3068 - The Unkindest Cut of All; What's With the Mysteries (News)
October 30, 3068 - Gavin Dow - Next Primus (News)
October 31, 3068 - Massive Fleet Battle Over Atreus (News)
November 14, 3068 - Canopian Troops Converge on Sian (News)
November 20, 3068 - Officials - Selection of a New Primus Delayed Indefinitely (News)
December 1, 3068 - Rehab
December 11, 3068 - Benjamin Under Attack! (News)
December 20, 3068 - Rescuers Uncover Chancellor's Bunker (News)


January 1, 3069 - A Different Hope; Dear Sarah (News)
January 10, 3069 - Alliance Recovers Summer, Mizar (News)
January 20, 3069 - All the Guts, None of the Glory (Combat Equipment)
February 8, 3069 - War For Benjamin Heats Up (News)
February 24, 3069 - Hibberson vs. Becker in Xolara (News)
May 18, 3069 - Guardians (Total Warfare)
July 28, 3069 - Protomechs - Can We Compete (Tech Manual)
August 9, 3069 - The Shrouded Blade (Jihad Hot Spots - 3070)
September 15, 3069 - Wolf on the Mountain (Total Warfare)
October 12, 3069 - The Day After
October 27, 3069 - Night Terrors
November 2, 3069 - Paying Dues (Mercenaries Supplemental Update)
December 9, 3069 - Demon Star


January 12, 3070 - Word of Blake Terran Guard Seen Exercising Near Ruins of Riga (News)
March 4, 3070 - Precentor Zucker's Log (News)
March 31, 3070 - IndustrialMechs - Target of Opportunity (Tech Manual)
April 9, 3070 - Clan Language, Second Edition (News)
May 12, 3070 - BattleMech Tech - A Primer (Tech Manual)
September 12, 3070 - Unknown Forces Spotted on Gibson (News)
October 29, 3070 - Day Eighteen of Meissner Trial (News)
December 15, 3070 - Regulus' Most Beautiful Woman (News)
December 22, 3070 - Hunter of the Yellow Bird


January 13, 3071 - Eisenjager (Total Warfare)
February 7, 3071 - Cowboys Beat Vipers in SphereBowl CIX (News)
March 9, 3071 - Tech Journal Doucette
March 11, 3071 - The Shape of Things to Come (Total Warfare)
March 24, 3071 - Fearsome Blakist Force Shatters Hesperus Defenses (News)
April 14, 3071 - Fireworks on Set of '21 Days' (News)
April, 3071 - New Clothing for a New You (News)
May 3, 3071 - Blake Protectorate Announces New Racing League (News)
June 6, 3071 - Lyndon Bickner Dead at 84 (News)
June 20, 3071 - The Rising Price of Paranoia (News)
July 3, 3071 - Are the Rumors of the Torching of Crimson True? (News)
August 15, 3071 - Cure For Devilitch in Sight (News)
August 17, 3071 - Shin Legion Destroyed! (News)
September 22, 3071 - Your Celebrity Gossip (News)
October 12, 3071 - Wanted - Gloria's Gatecrashers (News)
November 1, 3071 - Pirates! Your Fault or Theirs? (News)
November 5, 3071 - The Master's Hand (Jihad Hot Spots 3072)
November 13, 3071 - Spotlight - Alley MacLanahan (News)
November 14, 3071 - Fourth Quarter Numbers Good for TriCon (News); Haggard Defenders Desperate for Relief (News); The Cost of War (News)
December 11, 3071 - It's Hard to be a Mercenary (News)
December 13, 3071 - Guilty Until Proven Innocent (News)


January 10, 3072 - Earthquake Strikes Agricultural Area (News)
February 2, 3072 - Spotlight - Alan Canadensis
April 28, 3072 - Mercenaries, Clan Wolf-in-Exile Fight Off Blakist Attack (News)
June 8, 3072 - Regulus Attacked! (News); Unknown Forces Scatter Defenders on Son Hoa, Khon Kaen (News)
June 29, 3072 - Pundits Pound it Out (News)
July 3, 3072 - First the Combine, and Now the Nova Cats...Coincidence? (News)
July 13, 3072 - Falcons Not Content With the Alliance (News)
August 12, 3072 - Riot in Theatre District Leaves One Dead (News)
August 18, 3072 - What the Knights Left Behind (News)
October 22, 3072 - Irian Prototype Crashes (News)
November 29, 3072 - The Act of Cutting; The Grain Rebellion Bridge; Lions and Dogs; Combat Continues on Galatea (News)
December 9, 3072 - A New War
December 15, 3072 - Entertainment Year in Review (News)
December 28, 3072 - AFFS Notes New Arrivals in Battle for New Avalon (News); Unknown Force Strikes Reorganizing Forces on Firgrove (News); Word of Blake Strikes Buckminster! Dragoons Defeated! (News)


January 20, 3073 - Clock is Broken; The Book of Lilith
February 2, 3073 - Interlude; Post-Game Wrap; Fathers and Sons
February 3, 3073 - A Lord of the Realm
February 4, 3073 - Redemption; Marshals Davion; The Third Battle of New Avalon
February 15, 3073 - Vengeance Gambit


Сообщение VVerVVolf » 10 сен 2008, 18:43

Может, дополнить хронологию графиками по типу такого, для наглядности: http://www.btencyclopedia.com/images/mi ... t-clan.png
Ссылка взята вот отсюда: http://www.classicbattletech.com/forums ... #msg245060
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Сообщение Shodai » 16 апр 2009, 23:14

Scorpion Dog писал(а):Если мне не изменяет память, то Терру взяли, или освободили в 3081 году.

А кто взял то? Если кланы, то какие?
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Сообщение Siberian-troll » 16 апр 2009, 23:20

Клан Росомахи
хотя могу путать, по другим источникам это были Хеллионы, Блад Спириты и недобитые Ягуары. Они потом еще Фиделисами Стоуна стали в Дурке.
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Сообщение Fenris » 17 апр 2009, 00:04

Siberian-troll писал(а):Клан Росомахи
хотя могу путать, по другим источникам это были Хеллионы, Блад Спириты и недобитые Ягуары. Они потом еще Фиделисами Стоуна стали в Дурке.

не, мы не брали...хотя надо Даймонда спросить, но если брали, то положили бы на место, нафик она нам нужна после всего?
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Сообщение Shodai » 17 апр 2009, 02:54


Ага! Россомахи на Орках!
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Сообщение J.S. » 22 апр 2009, 23:03

Эмм, значит я много упустил. Откуда они появились? Их вроде как уничтожили (почти)

P.S. Где про это читать?
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Сообщение Caleb » 23 апр 2009, 01:01

19999 - Technical Readout: Project Omega.
The Master is really a Tetatae.
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Сообщение J.S. » 23 апр 2009, 07:49

Спасибо. Почитаю
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Сообщение Юджин » 23 апр 2009, 10:38

Так третья книга "Основателей Кланов" Биллса и это вот Парду про Росомах - не одно и то же получается?
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